Releases: madmax983/lightning-redux
Version 3.1.1
Version 3.1.0
Fixes #17
Component subscribe method will also now return the subscribe properly, in case someone wants to implement that.
Connect won't call a function twice now.
Fixed an issue with the reducerRegistry on init.
Version 3.0.0
Release Notes:
Lightning-Redux now supports generating multiple stores in the Lightning Experience container. Use the name atttribute on the Redux component to specify the name of the store.
This shouldn't break any existing functionality because the name defaults, but updating as a major number as it is a new attribute that can be specified.
Version 2.3.0
Release Notes:
Changes for Winter '18 release.
Changed attributes with object types to Maps (see this tweet:
Winter '18 gives the ability for component methods to return a value! Subsequently, getState has become an official part of the component api, instead of an expando. Yay!
Also cleaned up doc references, and now there is an actual auradoc component or Redux.
Lightning Redux without Examples:
Lightning Redux with Examples:
Version 2.1.0
Release Notes:
Reversed the order in which state and component are fed to the callback function in mapStateToAttributes. This makes lightning-redux compat with Reselect, which is awesome.
Lightning Redux without Examples:
Lightning Redux with Examples:
Version 2.0.0
Technically this should be 1.0.0, but I never did an "Official release" at Dreamforce '16, so we'll just call this 2.0.0 from here.