This is a PoC created to support dynamic image rendition with an image resize support. Additional features can be added as required in the future. This is developed based on the Sharp opensource framework. This application can be used as a standalone NodeJS app running in EC2.
Request: Access the DIH with below URI path:
- port - Using port 80 in this PoC, this can be changed in .env file
- bucket - Source S3 bucket where the image is stored
- edits - {{width}}x{{height}} - Expected resize image size
- key - Image name with extension
Sample request: http://localhost/image/source-bucket/800x800/sample1.jpg
Sample response: Modified image response
- Git
- Node JS v14 or above
- npm v6 or above
- Typescript
- Create an IAM Role with access to the source and destination S3 buckets. Attach that role to the user used to access S3 from local
Clone the source code to your local folder
git clone
Make sure you are in the source root directory - dynamic-image-handler-poc
cd dynamic-image-handler-poc
npm install
npm init @eslint/config
npm run build
npm run start
Access the application following the instructions provided in Input/Output
section above thru Postman
CDK deployment - This will install VPC, Subnets, NAT Gateway, ALB, ASG, EC2 launch configuration.
NOTE: This deploymet doesn't add HTTPS certificates to ALB and CloudFront. Please modify the script to add HTTPS support & CloudFront deployment. If deplpoying into GovCloud, you can utilize commercial CloudFront with GovCloud Origin as described here -
Please complete CDK setup and authentication as per
npm install -g aws-cdk
npm install -g aws-cdk-lib
Clone the source code to your local folder
git clone
Make sure you are in the source root directory - dynamic-image-handler-poc
cd dynamic-image-handler-poc
Goto constructs
directory to access CDK scripts
cd constructs
npm install
npm run test
npm run build
cdk bootstrap
cdk synth
cdk deploy
NOTE: This should deploy all the required infra components and the application. Use ALB DNS URL to verify the application. Use postman to process the image. Make sure, you pass the appropriate S3 bucket and image to succesfully process the images.
Access the application load balancer URL provided in CloudFormation Output console. Please follow the instructions provided in Input/Output
section above to access the application thru Postman
!!!Note Make sure to remove all the policies from the role before running destroy
//List the role
aws iam list-roles | jq -r '.Roles[] | select(.RoleName|match("DIH-CDK-Stack-EC2IAMRole."))'
// Copy the full rolename (role-name)
// "RoleName" :
//List attached policy
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name $role-name
// Copy Policy ARN (policy-arn)
//Detach the policies attached to the role
aws iam detach-role-policy --role-name $role-name --policy-arn $policy-arn
cdk destroy