Toolkit for processing pretrained-embeddings.
Currently support:
- 'FastText'
- 'Glove'
- 'KazumaChar'
- 'SL999'
These are 300 dimensional Paragram embeddings tuned on the SimLex999 dataet. They achieve human-level performance on both SimLex999 and WS353 datasets.
Paragram-SL999 300 dimensional Paragram embeddings tuned on SimLex999 dataset. 1.7 GB download:
If you use this embedding for your work please cite:
@article{wieting2015ppdb, title={From Paraphrase Database to Compositional Paraphrase Model and Back}, author={John Wieting and Mohit Bansal and Kevin Gimpel and Karen Livescu and Dan Roth}, journal={Transactions of the ACL (TACL)}, year={2015} }
More details on the construction of the embeddings can be found in the arxiv version: