Hackintosh combojack support for alc236 layout 68/alc256 layout 56/alc289 layout 68/alc295 layout 33.
- Use bootargs
or DeviceProperties to audio pci-rootalc-verbs | DATA | 01000000
- For install run ComboJack_Installer/install.command and reboot
- For uninstall run ComboJack_Installer/uninstall.command and reboot
- When you attach a headphone there will be a popup asking about headphone type.
- Refactor
- Fix on sleep wake
- Bug fix
Install Xcode, clone the GitHub repo and enter the top-level directory. Then:
xcodebuild -configuration Release
- hackintosh-stuff for creating ComboJack
- vit9696 for AppleALC
- mbarbierato for developing
- Lorys89 for setting alc verbs and add codec support
- Linux code Source