Ultra-simple C library for DS18B20 sensors. Connect all the sensors data pins to a single GPIO pin, and then call ds18b20_read_all. That's it.
Add to libs section of your mos.yml.
#include "mgos.h"
#include "ds18b20.h"
// Temperatures callback
void temperatures_cb(struct ds18b20_result *results) {
// Loop over each result
while ( results != NULL ) {
// results->rom - uint8_t - Sensor ROM
// results->mac - char* - MAC address string
// results->temp - float - Temperature in celsius
printf("ROM: %s, Temp: %f\n", results->mac, results->temp);
results = results->next;
// Mongoose application initialization
enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
// Read all the temperatures (GPIO 4, 9-bit resolution)
ds18b20_read_all(4, 9, temperatures_cb);
// Init OK
// DS18B20 Resolution Configuration
// 9-bit resolution: 97.5ms read time
// 10-bit resolution: 187.5ms read time
// 11-bit resolution: 375ms read time
// 12-bit resolution: 750ms read time
| | |
1 2 3
PIN 2: Data
PIN 3: Vcc (3.3v - 5v)
- All GND pins to ground
- All Vcc pins to +5v
- All data pins to GPIO pin X
- Connect +5v to GPIO pin X with a 4.7k resistor (pullup resistor - this is important when using long wires for the sensors)