Lightweight PHP Router package (Version 1.0 patch 1)
Mcl-Router is a small sized PHP library intended for use/integration in your application
In your root composer.json file please insert these 2 flags:
"here are the various flags of the":"composer.json file",
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true
There are few things that I dont like about existing (non-framework based) php routers
Most existing library use layouts that are somewhat different than the comon layout used in popular frameworks like slim or laravel. This means if you are used to using frameworks but need a fast light router for non framework packages you are stuck with the layout imposed by the selected package which is mostly different than what you are used you must dig into the source code to learn how to use it. -
Use of @ in controller methods
If you chose to integrate packages like FastRoute you must use router call back as fully qualified PHP functions like get('/home', function(){....}) or get('/home', [controller, method]) and have to declare the use of the controller namespace on top of your code. You can not use the folloing notaion controller@method -
Route service provider
If your package containes route files such as ( api.php, web.php, admin.php...etc) those files are processed automatically by the route service provider (RouteServiceProvider.php) in the form of groups taking the file name as prefix (on the eception of web.php => defaults to '/'). This service provider must be instanciated early on in your package (via the service container or manually if your package does not use one).
The library is depending on the following external packages:
Lightly used for a better handling of arrays -
Lightly used for a better handling of strings -
Any PSR7 compliant response/request package will do. I went for symphony since it is one of the most used out there
The package contains the following folders:
Containing the main package files -
This folder contains an AdaptedRequest class extending Symphony Request class for ease of use
- MclRouter / file: Router.php
This is the main package class. it takes care of the registration of predefined route groups sitting is seperate files (web.php, api.php, admin.php...etc...) using the RouteServiceProvider. it takes 2 parameters the the roue paths: string|array $route_definition_paths: paths to the route definition files in the form of a string '/path/subpath1/subpath2/web.php' if you have only one route file or in the form of ['/path/subpath1/subpath2/web.php','/path/subpath1/subpath2/api.php'] if you have more, and an array of controller name spaces ( where your controllers are defined ).
use MclRouter\Router;
$router = new Router( string|array $route_definition_files, ?array $controllers_name_spaces = [ ]);
- Routes definition
In case your app contains multiple sections (ex. web section, api section, admin section) use seperate route files for each section. route prefixes will be automatically assigned to the individuel routes depending on the file in which they are contained. As an example lets assume that you have an api route file defined in '/path/subpath1/subpath2/api.php', all the http requests must start with /api/path/... to land in this file. The deinitions do not have to be written with the prefix in the api.php file:
//This is the api.php routes file
use MclRouter\Route;
use MclRouter\RouteGroup;
Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index');
Route::post('/provider/upload', 'UploadController@upload_files');
Route::group('/user/{id}', function( RouteGroup $group ){
$group->get('/', 'UserListController@get');
$group->get('/state', 'UserStatesController@index');
$group->delete('/', 'UserMainController@delete');
- named routes
You can name your routes for later retrieval by name, just chain the name function to the Route::{method} like so:
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');
Route::post('/data/save', 'DataController@save')->name('save');
- Variable parameters
Variable parameters are enclosed between "{" and "}" like so:
Route::get('/user/{id}', 'UserController@get')->name('home');
Route::post('/save/{release_id}', 'DataController@save')->name('save');
- Optional parameters
Optional parameters are enclosed between "{" and "?}" with a question mark appended at the end of the parameter name and before the closing "}":
Route::get('/user/{id?}', 'UserController@get')->name('get_user_by_id');
Route::post('/save/{release_id?}', 'DataController@save')->name('save_release');
- RegEx with required parameters
Usage of regex validation rules can be appended to the static Route::{method} by chaining the where function
Route::get('/user/{id}', 'UserController@get')
->where(['id' => '[a-zA-Z]{2}[\d]{6}']);
// id must start with 2 alpha characters followed by 6 digits
- RegEx with opional parameters
Usage of regex validation rules with optional parameters is allowed. Which means the route will processed if the parameter is omitted but if it is supplied it must match the regex expression:
Route::get('/user/{id?}', 'UserController@get')
->where(['id' => '[a-zA-Z]{2}[\d]{6}');
// id is optional but if supplied it must start with 2 alpha characters followed by 6 digits
Each function supplied with a certain route will be called in case of a route match with 2 parameters automatically injected:
use MclRouter\Requests\AdaptedRequest;
use MclRouter\RouteParams;
Route::get('/user/{id?}', 'UserController@get');
Route::post('/{id}', 'UserController@save');
class UserController {
function get( RouteParams $parms ){
$id = $parms->id;
// some logic here
return $something;
function save( RouteParams $parms, AdaptedRequest $req ){
$id = $parms->id;
$data = $req->all( ); // this is the post data
// some logic here
return $something;
Route::get('/user/{id?}', function( RouteParams $parms, AdaptedRequest $req ){
// some logic here
// response can be an instance of Symphony response class or
// string or
// array : ( will be json serialized )
return (mixed) $response;
- Post requests to the base url\
This is a PHP/Http issue. Suppose your domain is hosted at ( the base url ), if you invoke a POST request ( outside of a form submission) against that url be sure to close it with a slash like so Check this issue at
//And the route defnition must also respect that rule
Route::post('/ingredients/classes/', 'UploadController@upload_files');
- Main index file this is an example of the index.php file. Assuming your main namespace is app and a viewer class is present to display the final response
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$routes = [ __DIR__ . '/routes/api.php', __DIR__ . '/routes/web.php' ];
(new App\Render\Viewer( ))
->render(( new MclRouter\Router( $routes, [ '\\App\\Controllers\\' ]))
->dispatch( ));
composer require macleen/mcl-router
Author: C. Mahmoud / MacLeen 2023 v 1.0.1 / email:
For bugs, suggestions or any other info please contact me on my email.