A web application that performs sentiment analysis on YouTube video comments. The application uses the YouTube Data API to fetch comments and then analyzes their sentiment using a pre-trained model. Results are visualized and displayed on a web interface.
Sentiment Analysis is a popular application of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This project focuses on analyzing YouTube comments to understand the sentiments expressed by viewers.
Hosted on GitHub Pages
Below are the libraries and frameworks used to create the project:
- Web Framework: Flask
- Visualization: Matplotlib
- Sentiment Analysis Libraries: TensorFlow/Keras
- API Requests:
The project currently includes:
- Comment Analysis - Fetches comments from a YouTube video using the YouTube Data API and analyzes their sentiment.
- Visualization - Displays sentiment distribution and insights using charts.
Application Interface
Sentiment Analysis Results
API documentation link - YouTube Data API Documentation
To work with the API, you need to create an API key. To create an API key, register on the Google Cloud Console and a unique key will be generated for you. Use this key to make successful API requests.
Note: Ensure your API key is kept secure and adhere to usage limits.
To fetch comments, the application performs the following API calls:
- Fetch Comments - Retrieve comments for a YouTube video using the YouTube Data API.
- Analyze Sentiment - Process the comments and analyze their sentiment.
API Endpoint for Comments - https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/commentThreads?part=snippet&videoId={videoId}&key={apiKey}
The project uses pre-trained models for sentiment analysis. Here’s a brief overview of the tools used:
- TensorFlow/Keras - Libraries for building and using machine learning models for sentiment analysis.
- The sentiment analysis model classifies comments into sentiment categories (POSITIVE🙂, NEGATIVE
☹️ , NEUTRAL😐).
Future enhancements may include:
- Analyzing comments in different languages.
- Integrating with other social media platforms.
- Enhancing visualizations with interactive charts.
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© 2024 Rajeev Sharma | rajeevsharmamachphy@gmail.com