Technology Stack:
- IBM Watson Studio
- IBM Watson Machine Learning
- IBM Watson IoT Platform
- NodeRED Application
- Arduino IDE
This project has been divided into 2 phases:
- Pre-plantation
- Post-plantation
Pre-plantation Process: ML Model
Data for different crops regarding their optimum requirements of N, P, K (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) and pH levels in the soil along with average temperature and rainfall needed is curated and mould into a proper dataset which is then used to train our Machine Learning model to predict the most appropriate crop to be grown.
The algorithm used is Random Forest Mutli-classification Algorithm for better accuracy than Decision Tree.
Accuracy: 99%
The ML model has been connected to a Web Application developed using NodeRED Platform with the help of an API.
Post-plantation Process: IoT Model
Once the farmer decides which crop he wants to grow, a Continuous Monitoring and Smart Irrigation System along with UI has been developed using IoT to keep the crops health in check.
The three components used in this process are:
- NodeMCU Microcontroller for data transfer
- Soil Moisture sensor to calculate water level in soil
- DHT11 sensor to calculate Temperature and Humidity around the crop.
This system has been connected to a IBM Watson IoT Platform, which helps in updating the UI with most recent values.