Hello, fellas! It's faslin_kosta here 👋
I'm a Developer and a Wannabe-Teacher-Mentor-Guru-DiscordMaster-BlogWriter-YoutubeShortsWithCodingTipsCreator and all of those amazing things if i had time...
- ⚛️ Harworking Mid Fullstack React Developer... Huh, that was a long one, lets keep it short and call it HMFRD from now on.
- 👨🏻🎓 Grad student at a UnIvErSiTy ✨ Not that anyone cares
- 👨🏻💻 When at work, I'm abusing next.js to the fullest and pushing out projects from static sites to full on multiplatform applications
- 🥳 When free, I'm doing: mini sideprojects, usefull snippets, blogs, npm packages, UNI related bu#$!+, personal sites, freelance projects, designs, my wife, tiktok videos, youtube shorts, daydrinking, sleepwalking ... How do I manage to do all of this?? I didn't say I do all of them at the same time... Maybe one of them... once a month...
- 🍺 I'm also a beer enthusiast (you can find me on google maps to checkout beer reviews 🤣)
- 🥰 I have an amazing girl and I am skillful programmer. One of these is a lie.
...🗿... 🇩🇪 Ze Projects vill be vritten hier, wann sie fertig sein.
- 📰 Pilot
- 🐶 ZooMallClub - Android && [ZooMallClub - iOS] please tell me how to find link wihtout an applephone :(
- 🪙 VGE Metaverse
- 🏃🏻 Borntomove
- 📕 Hookpoint
- 💃🏻 Goddess
- Easybook.bg
- My personal website