Contributors: m1kfb Tags: layered-nav, vehicle-search, categories Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.8.1 Stable tag: 1.1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:
Woocommerce Category Filter is a simple 2 level layered navigation search tool. Created as a vehicle search tool primarily but with the ability to change the search fields in the form.
- Added an option 3rd level
- Add empty select to field2
- Check WooCommerce is installed
- Fixed redirection
- Added automatic update
- Added validation
- Change form to Ajax instead of Static
- Created form
- Dawn of time
[wcfcatsearch level3=true field_1_label=Make field_2_label=Model field_3_label=Wheelbase submit_text=Search]
- level3 = false
- field_1_label = Make
- field_2_label = Model
- field_3_label = Wheelbase
- submit_text = Search