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Validation package for ES6+, TypeScript and JavaScript(CommonJS and Module) ready.


  • 🚀Easy to use: Easy to install in your project.
  • ES6+ && TS: TypeScript and ES6+ support(JS).
  • 🐭Small footprint: With less then 20kb, you won't even notice.
  • 📦No dependencies: You don't depend on anything else.

Getting Started


To use this package, install using npm, yarn or pnpm📥:

# npm
npm install validatees
# yarn
yarn add validatees
# pnpm
pnpm install validatees

To check if you have the latest version, run using npx✅:

⚠️ Must have the validatees package installed globally.

# npx
npx vci --check


// ES6+ JavaScript CommonsJs
const validatees = require("validatees");
// TypeScript || ES6+ JavaScript module
import validatees from "validatees";



Adding validation over your array before your program starts.


  • array: array to validate.
  • callback: function to validate each item in the array, must return boolean, can only take 1 parameter(for now!).
    Use validatees isTruthy or isFalsy for example.


  • strict: boolean, default: false, strict mode; skip push if validation fails in 1 or more items.
  • condition: boolean, default: true, condition to validate; check if callback with condition is met.


  • register: register listeners for given arrays.
  • remove: remove listeners for given arrays.
const { VListener } = require("validatees");

const vListener = new VListener();
const arr1 = [];
const arr2 = [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }]; // items already added will not be validated.

const customCallback = (value) => {
}; // create your own callback

const customCallbackWithDefaultValues = (value, checkOnThis = {id:1}) => {
}; // create your own callback with default values to check against

  { array: arr1, callback: isTruthy, options: { strict: true } },
  { array: arr2, callback: isFalsyExtended, options: { condition: false } },
  { array: arr2, callback: [isTruthy, customCallback, customCallbackWithDefaultValues], options: { strict: true } },

arr1.push(1); // should be pushed, [1]
arr2.push({ c: 3 }, { d: 4 }, null); // should not be pushed, strict mode is on, [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }]
arr1.push(0); // should not be pushed, [1]
arr2.push({}); // should not be pushed, [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }]

vListener.remove([{ array: arr1 }]);
arr1.push(0); // can now be pushed again, [1, 0]

vListener.remove([{ array: arr2 }]);
arr2.push({}); // can now be pushed again, [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, {}]



To use the CLI, you can install it globally using npm or yarn:

# npm
npm install -g validatees
# yarn
yarn global add validatees


To use the CLI, run vci in your terminal:

# npx
npx vci <args>
# npm & yarn
vci <args>


  • --help, -help, --h, -h: show help.
    vci --check --help or vci -h or vci --h
    • Can be used after each of the following flags to show help for that flag.
    • Or can be used to display all the flags and their description.
  • --version, -version, --v, -v: show the current installed version.
  • --check, -check, --c, -c: check if the installed version is up to date with the latest version.
  • --exit, -exit, --e, -e: exit the process after the command execution, default: false.
  • --verbose, -verbose, --vb, -vb: show more information, default: false.
  • --ci, -ci: run in CI mode.
  • --shell, -shell, --s, -s: open the custom shell to try out the functions.


Type checking can be difficult, but with validatees types, it's easy.


Made from 'Falsy MDN defenition'.

const { isFalsy } = require("validatees");
isFalsy(0); // true
isFalsy(1); // false


Made from 'Falsy MDN defenition'.
Also includes Array and object checking.

const { isFalsyExtended } = require("validatees");
isFalsyExtended(1); // false
isFalsyExtended(0); // true
isFalsyExtended([]); // true
isFalsyExtended({}); // true


Everything not falsy is truthy.
Made from 'Truthy MDN defenition'

const { isTruthy } = require("validatees");
isTruthy(1); // true
isTruthy(0); // false


Everything not falsy is truthy.
Made from 'Truthy MDN defenition' Also includes Array and object checking.

const { isTruthyExtended } = require("validatees");
isTruthyExtended(1); // true
isTruthyExtended(0); // false
isTruthyExtended([]); // false
isTruthyExtended({}); // false


Check if value is null or undefined.

const { isNullish } = require("validatees");
isNullish(null); // true
isNullish(undefined); // true
isNullish(0); // false


Check if value is a string.

const { isString } = require("validatees");
isString("string"); // true
isString(1); // false


Check if value is a number.

const { isNumber } = require("validatees");
isNumber(1); // true
isNumber(Infinity); // true
isNumber("string"); // false


Check if value is a boolean.

const { isBoolean } = require("validatees");
isBoolean(true); // true
isBoolean(false); // true
isBoolean("1"); // false


Check if value is a date.

const { isDate } = require("validatees");
isDate(new Date()); // true
isDate("1"); // false


Check if value is a regular expression.

const { isRegExp } = require("validatees");
isRegExp(/test/); // true
isRegExp(new RegExp("test")); // true
isRegExp("1"); // false


Check if value is extendable for modification.

const { isExtendable } = require("validatees");
isExtendable({}); // true
isExtendable([]); // true

const prevent = {};
isExtendable(obj); // false

const sealed = {};
isExtendable(sealed); // false

const frozen = {};
isExtendable(frozen); // false

const frozenArray = [];
isExtendable(frozenArray); // false

isExtendable(1 /**anything else then object or array */); // throws error


Matchers are functions that check if a value matches a certain pattern or value.


Check if value is unique in array or object(key mostly).

const { isUnique } = require("validatees");
isUnique([1, 2, 3, 4], 1); // false
isUnique([1, 2, 3, 4], { a: 1 }); // throws error
isUnique({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1 }); // false
isUnique({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { c: 1 }); // true


Check if two values soft match with each other.

const { isSoftMatch } = require("validatees");
isSoftMatch("string", "STRING"); // true
isSoftMatch("string", "abc"); // false
isSoftMatch(1, 1.0); // true


Check if two values deep match with each other.

const { isDeepMatch } = require("validatees");
isDeepMatch({ a: 1 }, { a: 1 }); // true
isDeepMatch({ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }); // false
isDeepMatch([1, 2, { a: 3 }], [1, 2, { a: 3 }]); // true

// without the await it will return a promise holding the boolean.
await isDeepMatch(Promise.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(1)); // true


Check if value is a valid email.

const { isValidEmail } = require("validatees");
isValidEmail("test@test.test"); // true
isValidEmail(""); // false
isValidEmail("test@test"); // false
isValidEmail("test@test.t"); // false
isValidEmail(123); // throws error


Check if value is a valid password.

  • minLength: number, default 8
  • maxLength: number, default 32
  • numbers: number, default 1
  • specialChars: number, default 1
const { isValidPassword } = require("validatees");
isValidPassword("test"); // false
isValidPassword("te!1", { minLength: 4 }); // true
isValidPassword(123); // throws error
isValidPassword("t", { minLength: 1, numbers: 0, specialChars: 0 }); // true


Check if value is a valid url.

IPV4 and IPV6 are not supported.

const { isValidUrl } = require("validatees");
isValidUrl(""); // true
isValidUrl(""); // true
isValidUrl("google"); // false
isValidUrl(123); // throws error


Check if value is a valid date. This function takes any input and will parse it to a Date, -1 and 1 will work because they are valid dates.

const { isValidDate } = require("validatees");
isValidDate(new Date()); // true
isValidDate("1"); //true: because it will be parsed to a date starting from 1970.
isValidDate(-1); //true : because it will be parsed to a date starting from 1970, moving backwards.
isValidDate("string"); // false


Found a bug🦟? or want to suggest a new feature🆕? or just want to help🆘?
Feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

Contributions are always welcome!🎉

  • Fork the project here.
  • Create a new branch like this: git checkout -b feature/featureName.
  • Commit your changes to your branch: git commit -m 'Create AwesomeFeature'⚙️.
  • Push your branch: git push origin feature/featureName.
  • Open a pull request on the dev branch here🔃.

📒Note: Make sure to add tests for your changes ✅.