HBS is a build system for hardware description projects. HBS was created out of frustration with all existing build systems for hardware description.
Existing hardware build systems can be divided into two classes.
The first class directly utilizes Tcl (the Tcl approach), examples:
The second class tries to abstract away the underlying Tcl commands using declarative formats (the declarative approach), examples:
- Blockwork,
- flgen
- FuseSoC,
- Hog,
- Hdlmake,
- bender,
- bazel_rules_hdl,
- SiliconCompiler,
- orbit - package manager only.
EDA tools are built around Tcl. The discussion whether it is good or bad makes no sense, it is how it is. Most people don't like Tcl (I don't understand why because when you understand its paradigm it is actually quite well designed).
The idea of using some wrapper declarative format seems to be the solution of all problems, at first ...
However, executing arbitrary Tcl commands in arbitrary place is a relatively complex task in the second class of build systems.
They are also overly complicated (my opinion).
Just look at the number of files in theirs repositories.
And that is not all, as all of them also have external dependencies.
This class of tools is structured of multiple layers of abstractions.
You can spend hours trying to figure out how to do some uncommon things, to only later find out that what you want to do is not yet possible.
You end up sed
ing automatically generated Tcl scripts or Makefiles.
The readability of the project decreases.
There is no official package or dependency manager for hardware description projects (something like pip
for Python, npm
for Node.js, or cargo
for Rust).
As a result we end up doing the so called in-tree dependency management.
In practice people just manually or in a semi-automated way copy dependencies to the project sources (the dependencies sources are kept in the tree of project directry, hence "in-tree").
Personally I really like the in-tree dependency management, as it forces you to be really conscious about what is included in the project.
It also help to avoid bloat.
Declarative formats are not optimal for in-tree dependency management (my opinion).
Different dependencies might require completely different commands to be executed to fetch them and prepare for use.
In such a case, the procedural approach is what is desired.
In most of the declarative approaches user declares a script that has to be called to execute those commands, instead of simply calling the commands.
This adds an unnecessary intermediate layer, and increases complexity.
The above drawbacks of the declarative approach determined HBS to directly utilize Tcl. Calling external programs from a Tcl script is much easier than injecting arbitrary Tcl code into arbitrary place in an automatically generated script.
However, the Tcl approach is not free of drawbacks.
As Tcl is procedural, sometimes user needs to call extra commands, for example, hbs::Register
HBS tries to inform user that such call might be missing.
I think the following sentences accurately describe what HBS is like:
HBS makes simple things insignificantly harder, but makes complex things exceptionally easy. It tries to be smart, but not to outsmart the user.
Or more satiristically:
Developers hate him, he built hardware built system with single Tcl script.
- Consists solely of one Tcl script and one Python wrapper script. The Python script is required only for automatic tests run and dependency graph generation.
- Core targets depend on other cores targets, not solely on cores.
- Tcl script executed directly by EDA tools, which makes custom commands execution straightforward.
- Support for globbing when adding files.
- Easy injection of custom command arguments.
- Automatic detection of test targets.
- Parallel execution of test targets.
- Dependency graph generation.
- Only two mandatory dependencies
(>= 8.5
) andpython3
, and one optionalgraphviz
(required only if user wants to generate dependency graph). - Arbitrarily deep core paths, no VLNV restriction.
- Support for arguments passing from command line to target being run.
- Support for arguments passing to dependency targets.
Adding support for a new tool is trivial once you are familiar with the tool interface.
If you want to add support for a tool you have to create new namespace called hbs::<tool>
In theory the tool must provide implementation of only two procs, addFile
for handling files with extensions supported by the tool, and run
for running the tool flow.
In practice, it is useful to have additional helper procs.
Within the tool namespace any valid Tcl code is allowed.
Try to adjust flow stages to the existing stages.
However, if you feel more stages are required feel free to propose them.
In the case of tools utilizing Tcl internally the script has to be run by the embedded Tcl interpreter.
This is achieved by recursively rerunning the script.
A good example is the snippet for the vivado
tool inside the SetTool
All installation methods require that hbs
and hbs.tcl
are placed in the same directory.
There are 3 preferred installation methods.
- Copy
to your project. This is preferred if you want to modify thehbs.tcl
to change the default behavior. It is not advised to change the default behavior, but if you need, feel free to do so. - Copy
to one of directories in$PATH
. - Clone the repo, and add an alias to the
(or equivalent).
(>= 8.5
- required only if user wants to generate dependency graph.
- hbs file - file with
extension containing valid Tcl code. - proc - Tcl proc.
- core - Tcl namespace in which
proc is called. - core path - Tcl namespace path for the core. For example, if
is called in namespacelib::pkg::core
, thenlib::pkg::core
is the core path. - core name - name of the Tcl namespace in which
is called. For example, ifhbs::Register
is called in namespacelib::pkg::core
, thencore
is the core name. - target - proc, which name does not start with the floor character (
), defined in core. - target path - Tcl path for the target. For example, if proc
is defined in the core with core pathlib::pkg::core
, then the target path islib::pkg::core::target
. - target name - name of the target in the target path. For example, if the target path is
, then the target name istarget
. - to run a target - to execute commands defined in the target.
- depender - a target depending on at least one another target. Within a depender body the
proc is called at least once. - dependency - a target on which at least one other target depends. The dependency is an argument for at least one
proc call. - tool - a software capable of processing hardware description sources or output from another tool. Example tools are: GHDL, Verilator, yosys, Vivado, etc.
- flow - an ordered set of actions taken by a tool to produce a result specified by a user.
- stage - a piece of a tool flow with a clearly defined task and output. The number and types of stages depend on a tool. For example, the GHDL has analysis, elaboration and simulation stages.
When user executes hbs
(or hbs.tcl
) all directories, starting from the working directory, are recursively scanned to discover .hbs
files (symbolic links are also scanned).
Files with the .hbs
extension are regular Tcl files that are sourced by the hbs.tcl
However, before sourcing .hbs
files, the file list is sorted in such a way, that script with shorter path depth are sourced before script with longer path depth.
For example, if following 3 .hbs
file were found: a/b/c/foo.hbs
, d/bar.hbs
, e/f/baz.hbs
, they would be sourced in the following order: d/bar.hbs
, e/f/baz.hbs
, a/b/c/foo.hbs
Such an approach allows controlling when custom symbols (variables and procs) are ready to use.
For example, if you have custom proc used in multiple .hbs
files, then you can create separate utils.hbs
file containg utility procs, and place it in the the project root directory.
Within .hbs
files user defines cores and targets, although user is free to have any valid Tcl code in .hbs
To register a core user must call hbs::Register
within the core namespace.
The simplest possible example is shown below:
namespace eval my-core {
proc my-target {} {
hbs::AddFile core.vhd
This snippet defines one core named my-core
containing single target named my-target
The core path is my-core
and the target path is my-core::my-target
must be called at the end of the core namespace.
A common mistake is to forget to register a core.
However, hbs
tries to remind about cores registration, for example:
[user@host tmp]$ hbs run lib::core::tb
core 'lib::core' not found, maybe the core is not registered (hsb::Register)
The core path can be arbitrarily deep, for example:
namespace eval my-lib::my-core {
proc my-target {} {
hbs::AddFile core.vhd
In this case the core path is my-lib::my-core
, and the target path is my-lib::my-core::my-target
The core name is my-core
, and the target name is my-target
Multiple cores can be dfined in the same namespace. In such a case it might be more convenient to use nested namespaces, for example:
namespace eval my-lib {
namespace eval my-core1 {
proc my-target {} {
hbs::AddFile core.vhd
namespace eval my-core2 {
proc my-target {} {
hbs::AddFile core.vhd
Above snippets defines 2 cores.
The first one with core path my-lib::my-core1
, core name my-core1
, target path my-lib::my-core1::my-target
, and target name my-target.
The second one with core path my-lib::my-core2
, core name my-core2
, target path my-lib::my-core2::my-target
, and target name my-target.
must be called once for every core.
Hbs automatically detects targets.
Targets are all procs defined in the scope of namespaces containing a call to the hbs::Register
However, to allow user to define custom helpful procs, procs with names starting with the floor character (_
) are not treated as core targets.
The example:
namespace eval vhdl-simple::edge-detector {
proc src {} {
hbs::SetLib "simple"
hbs::AddFile src/edge_detector.vhd
proc _tb {top} {
hbs::SetTool "ghdl"
hbs::SetTop $top
hbs::SetLib ""
proc tb {} {
_tb "tb_edge_detector"
hbs::AddFile tb/tb.vhd
proc tb-comb {} {
_tb "tb_edge_detector_comb"
hbs::AddFile tb/tb_comb.vhd
The _tb
proc is a simple proc defined to share calls common for tb
and tb-comb
test targets.
Moreover, all target procs are also regular Tcl procs.
Such an approach allows for calling them in arbitrarily places.
The _tb
proc calls src
proc because core source files are definitely needed for core testbenches.
Test targets are detected automatically. A test target is a target which name:
- starts with
, - ends with
, - equals
Hbs allows running any target of registered cores. Even if the target itself has nothing to do with the hardware design. For example, running the following target:
namespace eval my-core {
proc my-target {} {
exec echo "Hello World!" >@ stdout
Results with:
[user@host tmp]$ hbs run my-core::my-target
Hello World!
However, in most cases the user wants to run target related to the flow of set tool.
In such a case, instead of calling all of the required tool commands manually, the user can call hbs::Run
as an optional arguments accepts the stage after which the tool flow should stop.
For more details check hbs::Run
documentation in the hbs.tcl
After hbs::Run
returns user can continue processing.
For example, scripts analysing code coverage, or preparing additional reports can be run.
If you are dissatisfied with what the run for your tool does by default, you can always define custom flow within the target, or as a completely separate proc.
Targets can accept arguments provided from the command line. This is very useful for example for running flow only to the stage specified from the command line. For example below core accept stage arguments.
namespace eval core {
proc target {{stage "bitstream"}} {
puts "Running until $stage"
# Below line commented because this is just example.
#hbs::Run $stage
It can be run with the stage
value specified as follows.
[user@host hbs]$ hbs run core::target
Running until bitstream
[user@host hbs]$ hbs run core::target synthesis
Running until synthesis
Other useful examples of target arguments usage is setting the simulator for test target from the command line, or changing the top level. What the target arguments are used for is limited by the user's imagination.
In HBS targets might depend on other targets (instead of cores depending on cores).
Such an approach allows for fine grained control of dependencies.
To declare target dependency user musr call hbs::AddDep
proc within the target proc.
The first argument is dependency path.
The remaining arguments are optional and are passed to the dependency proc as arguments.
The add N distinct dependencies user must call hbs::AddDep
N times.
The ability to pass arguments to dependency was evaluated as much more advantageous than the ability to add multiple dependencies with single hbs::AddDep
internally simply calls the dependency proc with provided arguments.
It also tracks dependencies so that generating dependency graph is possible.
Within single flow each target can be run at most once with particular set of arguments.
This implies, that if multiple targets add the same dependency with the same arguments, then the dependency proc is run only once, during the first hbs::AddDep
To enforce some target rerun, user can always directly call the target.
Commands and external programs called by the hbs under the hood have numerous flags and parameters.
Hbs uses only some of them with some sane default values.
However, the user is capable of adding extra arguments, which is achieved with hbs::ArgsPrefix
and hbs::ArgsSuffix
The user shall use hbs::SetArgsPrefix
, hbs::ClearArgsPrefix
, hbs::SetArgsSuffix
, hbs::ClearArgsSuffix
and hbs::ClearArgsAffixes
procs to manipulate those variables.
The hbs::ArgsPrefix
is inserted right after the command or program name, and hbs::ArgsSuffix
is placed at the end of command or program call or before the final argument.
If hbs arguments affixes are insufficient, the user is always free to call commands or programs on his own.
Understanding naming conventions is curcial for using or contributing to the hbs.
All hbs code is hidden under the hbs
Code related to particular tool is further hidden in the hbs::{tool}
Tcl doesn't allow defining private symbols within namespaces, all symbols are public.
However, hbs differentiate between public and private symbols.
Public symbols start with an uppercase letter and private symbols start with a lowercase latter.
The user shall only use public symbols within .hbs
Although using private symbols is discouraged, it is not forbidden, and if you really know what you do feel free to use them.
Hbs namespace consists of variables and procs.
Even though some varaibles are public, the user shall not set them directly.
They are public, because they can be safely read from the .hbs
files, but setting them might require some additional actions.
For example, hbs::Tool
is public varaible, but the user shall use hbs::SetTool
function for setting.
There is no such requirement for getting value of a public variable.
For example, see the below snippet:
namespace eval vhdl-simple::reset-synchronizer {
proc src {} {
hbs::SetLib "simple"
hbs::AddFile src/reset_synchronizer.vhd
if {$hbs::Tool == "vivado-prj"} {
hbs:AddFile constr/reset_synchronizer.xdc
set_property SCOPED_TO_REF Reset_Synchronizer [get_files reset_synchronizer.xdc]
} else {
error "vhdl-simple: reset-synchronizer core misses constraint file for your tool"
If the tool executing the code is "vivado", then additional constraint file is added attached to particular module.
Every public hbs::Variable
has corresponding hbs::SetVariable
function for setting value of the variable.
All variables representing choices (enumeration) user lowercase strings.
For example, the hbs::Tool
can be ghdl
, vivado-prj
The hbs::ToolType
proc can return formal
, simulation
, or synthesis
The points of this is to avoid error cases when one core maintainer sets the tool to GHDL
, but another core maintainer has, for example, following condition in one of the targets if {$hbs::Tool == "ghdl"}
The expression would evaluate to false, although the tool is GHDL.
The hbs::Set*
procs make sure users provide lowercase names.
There is no restriction on core and target names placed in .hbs
Everything accepted by the Tcl is valid.
However, it is recommended to use lowercase and separate words with hyphen character -