This projects is being designed to be a light-weight, fast user experience open Weibo alternative for Android. require Android 4.0+
For Android developer novice, this project also is a good study staff.
- Follow Android Patterns.
- Use lots of Open Source.
- No annoying ads.
- High performance.
GitHub has some great articles on how to get started with Git and GitHub and how to fork a project.
Contributers are recommended to fork the app on GitHub (but don't have too). Create a feature branch, push the branch to git hub, press Pull Request and write a simple explanation.
One fix per commit. If say a a commit closes the open issue 12. Just add closes #12
in your commit message to close that issue automagically.
All code that is contributed must be compliant with Apache License 2.0.
Dependent three-part libraries projects:
- ActionBarSherlock
- MenuDrawer
- android-pulltorefresh-and-loadmore
- weibo_android_sdk
Instructions for building on the command line with ant can be found below.
Run all in one command:
Also see the full Android documentation, Building and Running from the Command Line.
Contributers are recommended to follow the Android Code Style Guidelines.
In short that is;
- Indentation: 4 spaces, no tabs.
- Field names: Non-public, non-static fields start with m.
- Braces: Opening braces don't go on their own line.
- Acronyms are words: Treat acronyms as words in names, yielding XmlHttpRequest, getUrl(), etc.
- Consistency: Look at what's around you!
Have fun and remember we do this in our spare time so don't be too serious :)
Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Lytsing Huang
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0