This repository consists of basic implementations of deep learning models. These are homework assigments for an online computer science degree I am doing with Georgia Tech. I am not supposed to share my code. This intro is mainly to showcase the experience I have gained.
- Two networks with a simple SGD optimizer from scratch:
- a simple softmax regression
- a two-layer multi-layer perceptron
- A simple CNN architecture from scratch as well as CNNs with PyTorch.
- Convnet Modules implemented are 2D convolution, 2D Max Pooling, ReLU, and Linear. For each module, a forward pass (computing forwarding results) and a backward pass (computing gradients) are implemented.
- Pytorch Vanilla Convolutional Neural Network with a convolution layer, a ReLU activation, a max-pooling layer, followed by a fully connected layer for classification.
- Data wrangling
- Class-Balanced Focal Loss
- Natural language processing with Pytorch
- RNN and LSTM
- Seq2seq
- Transformer