Flickr Badge Maker helps you make photo gallery "badges" of your Flickr photos, suitable for a blog or other website.
gem install flickr_badge_maker
This will give you access to the API in your own applications and also installs a client program that offers some handy commands.
Run the client application using the flickr_badge_maker command.
flickr_badge_maker configure
This will walk you through the oauth authentication process interactively. When it's finished, it will update the configuration file and enable you to access your Flickr account via the application.
flickr_badge_maker info <set id>
This outputs the photo information for a given flickr photoset, so you can see what info you have at your disposal. For example:
"squarethumb_image_url" => "",
"thumb_image_url" => "",
"small_image_url" => "",
"med_image_url" => "",
"large_image_url" => "",
"orig_image_url" => "",
"caption" => "Red Tail Hawk",
"host" => "Flickr",
"view_url" => ""
Note: Not all sizes are available on all images, depending on how they were uploaded. If a requested size is not available, flickr will return the URL of the next bigger size.
flickr_badge_maker yaml <set id>
This outputs a YAML style data sample for your set.
- enlarge_image_url:
caption: Red Tail Hawk
- enlarge_image_url:
caption: Red Tail Hawk
flickr_badge_maker badge <set id>
This outputs the HTML for a very simple photo badge, just to show how the script can be used.
<li><a href=""><img src=""/></a>
<br/><a href="">Red Tail Hawk</a>
<li><a href=""><img src=""/></a>
<br/><a href="">Red Tail Hawk</a>
Here is an example of how to use the gem's API in your application.
require 'flickr_badge_maker'
require 'yaml'
# Include the config data in your project and reference it like so.
# (or you can just hard-code the values)
config = YAML.load_file("flickr_config.yaml")
'api_key' => config["flickr"]["api_key"],
flickr_badge_maker =
photos = flickr_badge_maker.get_photos('122')
photos.each { |p| puts "<img src=\"#{p[:thumb_image_url]}\"/>" }
The configuration values are stored in the .flickr_config file in your home directory.
api_key: 123
shared_secret: 456
access_token: 789
access_secret: 101
enlarge_image_url: med_image_url
preview_image_url: small_image_url
view_url: view_url
caption: caption
The first four values are set via the configuration command, described in the client section.
The display values allow you to configure which fields are included in the YAML and Badge output.
This code is free for all. Use it, modify it, whatever you like.
This code is provided AS IS, with no warranty.
This library requires you to get your own Flickr API key, which in turn subjects you to Flickr's rules for its use. Read their website for details.
Thinly wraps the Flickraw API. Thanks.