Possibly the worst solver of all time?
I've tried many solvers over the past few weeks and I didn't like any of them. jsLPSolver, SciPy, NLopt, etc...
So... I made my own
This solver falls into the realm of a "Brute Force" technique. So it's not performant by any means. However, this apporach may be all that I need given how small the scope of my initial problem is.
Intergers only.
The solver takes one parameter, the model object.
The model is comprised of the following properties:
type TSolverModel = {
constraints: ((...args: Variable[]) => boolean)[];
maxAttempts?: number;
objective: (...variables: Variable[]) => number;
type: "min" | "max";
variables: Variable[];
Constraints: Provide a list of functions which all take a variable amount of 'Variables' as arguments
Max Attempts: How many times should the solver try to crack our problem?
Objective: A function which also takes a variable amount of 'Variables' and returns a numeric value
Type: Do we want the highest possible solution available or the lowest?
Variables: A list of "Variables"
What is a "Variable"
type TVariable = {
currentVal: number;
max?: number;
min?: number;
Current Value: The starting value of our variable.
Min and Max: The variable object has two optional parameters, min and max, which will define the upper and lower bounds.
You run a small custom furniture shop and make custom tables and dressers. Each week you're limited to 300 square feet of wood, 110 hours of labor, and 400 square feet of storage. A table uses 30sf of wood, 5 hours of labor, requires 30sf of storage and has a gross profit of $1,200. A dresser uses 20sf of wood, 10 hours of work to put together, requires 50 square feet to store and has a gross profit of $1,600. How much of each do you produce to maximize profit, given that partial furniture aren't allowed in this dumb world problem?
const tables = new Variable({ currentVal: 0, max: 100 });
const dressers = new Variable({ currentVal: 0, max: 100 });
const woodConstraint = (tables: Variable, dressers: Variable) =>
tables.currentVal * 30 + dressers.currentVal * 20 <= 300;
const laborConstraint = (tables: Variable, dressers: Variable) =>
tables.currentVal * 5 + dressers.currentVal * 10 <= 110;
const storageConstraint = (tables: Variable, dressers: Variable) =>
tables.currentVal * 30 + dressers.currentVal * 50 <= 400;
const constraints = [woodConstraint, laborConstraint, storageConstraint];
const objective = (tables: Variable, dressers: Variable) =>
tables.currentVal * 1200 + dressers.currentVal * 1600;
const variables = [tables, dressers];
const model = {
maxAttempts: 15000,
type: "max",
const optimizer = new Solver(model);
const result = optimizer.solve();
* { type: 'max',
solution: 14400,
metObjective: true,
variables: [ 8, 3 ] }