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C++ Library for Command-Line Parameters Processing at Program Startup


In C/C++ Program, the main() function receives arguments passed from shell command lines, named argc and argv. Most programs support many options to customize program behavior, which also rise the need for common command-line parameter handling. This is another feature-rich parameter processing library.


  • Support general long and short command-line parameter idioms.
  • Support mapping of configuration files with command-line parameters.
  • Support preset command-line options from environment variables.
  • Support positional parameter binding, omit the most often used option names.
  • Support subcommand dispatch.


Just directly make in current directory to generate static libraries in lib/, optionally compile unit testers and sample programs in bin/, and if doxygen is installed, documentation can also be generated from comments :

make test
make sample
make docs

No additional dependencies, just STL and C++11 standard. While unit tests rely only on the lightweight unit test framework header file tinytast.hpp from couttast. You can also build the test program with make utest first and then manually run individual test cases:

bin/utest-cliop [test case]

Note: Unit tests must be run in this project root directory because some test cases read the test configuration file using relative path.

The cliop.h header file is required to compile the target program and with the -lcliop link option added. You can also copy the few .cpp files from this library directly into the project source code and compile them together.

For basic use, please refer to the examples in the sample/ directory and the unit test case source code in the utest/ directory. For detailed instructions, please read on.

User Manual

The library provides a core class cli::CEnvBase to handle command-line arguments. Env is named from that command-line arguments are considered as custom environment at program startup, and the library also includes a (non-critical) feature that binds general environment variables to command-line option parameters. Cli is the namespace, short for cmdline.

When deal with actual arguemnts, the term "argument" referred to in this manual may have several similar meanings and can be expected to be understood in context:

  • Command-line arguments, i.e., all arguments received by argv, contain options and ordinary arguments.
  • Argument Immediately after an option, belong to that option, and conversely, there are also options that do not receive argument (Flag).
  • Ordinary arguments that do not belong to any option, also called positional arguments.

Sometimes the term "parameter" is exchangeable used with "argument".

Handling Command-Line Arguments By Default Rules

Based on the customary use of option parameters in common command-line programs, this library distills the following default rules:

  • The short flag named with one leading dash - has no argument, and options such as -abc represent three flags, equivalent to -a -b -c.
  • The long option named with two leading dashes -- must have argument, either with a space-delimited argument written in the next argument or with = glued to the same argument.
  • If the option and it argument are glued with =, the leading -- can also be omitted. However, the argument begin with = is not option, which can be used as normal argument.
  • A special argument with only two dashed -- is itself ignored, representing only the end of the option, and all subsequent arguments are normal arguments, even if it contains the - prefix or the = midfix.
  • Argument with only one dash - is also allowed and are only used as ordinary non-option parameters, the specific meaning is explained by the client program. However, many programs treat it as a special file name, which means reading from or writing to terminal screens.

If the intended command-line argument usage of the program to be designed also conforms to the above rules, then it is very easy to use this library, as long as you define a CEnvBase object, forward the two parameters of the main() function to CEnvBase::Feed() method:

#include "cliop.h"
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    cli::CEnvBase env;
    env.Feed(argc, argv);
    // todo stuff ...

Note that the type of argv here is const char**, and for C++ programs, it is recommended to use const to decorate the parameters as much as possible, but it is also possible to compile with char**. Feed() also has an overloaded method that receives a const std::vector<std::string>& parameter, which contains only pure parameters, i.e. excludes parameters representing the program name argv[0]. Alternatively, you can think of argv as an array that counts from 1.

Retrieve One Argument

After then you can take advantage of env.Has() method to determine Whether an option exists, and the env.Get() method gets an option argument or positional argument, or it can use the equivalent operator [], where the return value are all of type std::string. Passing in an option name gets the argument for that option, and returns an empty string when the option is not provided, where either a long option name or a short option name (a string of length 1, not a character type) is ok, but without the leading - or -- . Passing in integers as indexes of positional arguments, counting from 1, compatible with the customary definition of argv arrays. For example:

bool bHas = env.Has("flag");
std::string arg;
arg = env.Get("option"); // env["option"]
arg = env.Get("o");      // env["o"]
arg = env.Get(1);        // env[1]
arg = env.Get("--");     // env["--"]
arg = evn.Get(0);        // env[0]

Passing special index 0 or option name -- means get all posional arguments, joined with \0 in a single std::string.

The Get() method also has a two-parameter overloaded version that combines the functions of Has() and Get() above, of which the second is the outgoing reference parameter, and the return value indicates whether the option exists. Returns false if the option does not exist , and the original value of the second reference parameter is not modified, so default values can be preset. The second reference parameter can not only be a string , but can also be of numeric type, such as int or double, which will be automatically converted from the original string argument. And for the positional parameter --, it can be passed out as an array vector, such as:

std::string strArg;
int iArg = 0;
std::vector<std::string> args;
bool bHas;
bHas = Get("flag", bHas);
bHas = Get("option", strArg);
bHas = Get("option", iArg);
bHas = Get("--", args); // args 也允许是 std::vector<int> 类型

Retrieve all Arguments in Container

In addition to using the Get() method to retrieve individual arguemnt, the library also provides the following methods to place all arguemnts in a standard container and return them:

  • const std::map<std::string, std::string> & Args() returns an associative array of option arguments.
  • const std::vector<std::string> & Argv() returns an array of positional arguments.
  • int Argc() returns the number of positional arguments, i.e. Argv().size().
  • const std::string & Arg0() returns the program name, which may be argv[0] but can be modified by other methods.

These methods have a clear correspondence with the meaning of the parameter argc/argv for 'main()'. If enter the command-line arguments Without any options, the 'Argv()' and 'argv[]' arrays contain almost identical arguments, except that the one representing the program name argv[0] is excluded and exists a separate method of Arg0(), because it is not generally considered to be business arguemnt passed on to a program. And therefore Argc() is 1 smaller than argc.

When the input command-line do contain options, they will be stored in the map represented by Args(). The key is the option name and the value is the argument value. If it is a flag with no arguemnt (e.g. the short name letter option), the flag name ( may be a string with only one letter) whose value is not empty but indeterminate (currently "1").

These methods can be convenient when need to iterate over input parameters.

Bind Option Argument with Member in Derived Class

When the program supports many command-line options, if define separate local variable in main() for each option, it will soon encounter variable management problems, which is quite inconvenient. To address this need, CEnvBase, as its naming is allowed to be inherited. Client programs can extend their own derived classes, adding a series of member variables, binding to the command Command line option parameter. When the arguments are received and parsed using the Feed() method, the class members save the values of each option, and converted to the corresponding usage type.

The CEnvBase::Bind() method in the base class implements this binding operation, before the Feed() method. The essence of it is to automatically call a series of Get() methods after Feed(). Since derivation is used, it can define bindings in the constructor of a class. For example:

struct CMyEnv : public cli::CEnvBase
    bool debug = false;
    int log_level = 0;
    std::string input;
    std::string output;
    std::vector<std::string> others;

        Bind("d", debug);
        Bind("log.level", log_level);
        Bind("input", input);  // also macro BIND_OPTION(input);
        Bind("output", output);
        Bind("--", others);

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    CMyEnv env;
    // env.Bind(...) here also ok
    env.Feed(argc, argv);
    // todo stuff with env member
    if (env.debug) ...

This program can receive approximately the following command parameters:

./exe -d --log.level=1 --input=input.txt --output=output.txt *.tex

where *.tex will be expanded by the shell into a series of matching filenames, which will also be saved in env.others at program running time. If there are some files that are not well-named, containing the - prefix or the = symbol, you should preced an additional -- argument before *.tex.

In many cases, if you need to bind an option name that is identical to the member name, you can use BIND_OPTION instead of Bind() method, which avoids the accident of misspelling the option name.

Derived classes can encapsulate not only option parameters, but also the business logic that rests on them, simply by overriding the virtual function Run() is enough. If this is done, the main() function will be simplified to forwarding only the command line arguments:

int CMyEnv::Run(int argc, const char* argv[])
    // read input, iterate others
    // write output
    return 0;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    CMyEnv env;
    return env.Feed(argc, argv);

The Run() method will be called by Feed() and its function prototype is also similar to main(), except that the argument argc and argv is likely to be unusable because it has been parsed into a more user-friendly member variable. While keeping these two parameters, mainly to reflect the intent of the design.

Set Options to Customize their Behavior

Most of the requirements can be met without having to set options to parse command-line arguments directly by default rules, but generally a program will (carefully) plan and set options. Because it brings many benefits and flexibility, such as:

  • Give a long option name associated with a single-letter short option name, and the user may use one of them on the command line with the same effect.
  • Specify short options with parameters, or long options without parameters.
  • Specifying one (some) option parameters must be provided.
  • Provides default values for optional options.
  • Lets the option read the environment variable by default.
  • Specifies that an option is allowed to appear multiple times on the command line.
  • Allows positional parameters to be promoted to an often-used option parameter.
  • Provides helpful information for option design for user reference.

One of the most influential on parsing parameters is whether the option has a parameter or not. For example, in the default case -abc indicates input three independent parameterless options(flag) , but if the -a option is set with parameter, then bc is considered as the argument of -a.

Other characteristics of the option settings are extended functionality.

Methods for Different Types of Option Setting

The CEnvBase class provides several ways to set options for commonly used types:

  • Flag() set an option without paramenter.
  • Option() set an option with paramenter.
  • Required() set an option that must provide paramenter.

They all return *this and can be chained. There is also an overloaded version of the Option() method that is more common , which can also implement the functions of Flag() and Required(). For example:

cli::CEnvBase env;
env.Flag('f', "flag", "simple flag without argument"); // -f --flag
env.Flag('F', "Flag", "description", bBindFlag); // bool bBindFlag
env.Option('o', "option", "option with argument");     // -o --option=
env.Option('O', "Option", "option with argument", "defalut value");
env.Requrired('r', "required", "option must be provided");
env.Option('m', "multiple", "option allowed mutiple provided", "default",

The first three parameters of the above method have the same meaning, representing the short option name, the long option name, and the description help text, respectively. The Flag() method can directly add a fourth parameter to bind a bool variable, but Option() doesn't provide that functionality as tow reasons. The first is that the number of parameters for Option() is already relatively large, and the second, option parameters may be different in use type, which will result in too many overloaded functions and overlapped with Bind(). Therefore, it is recommended to implement option settings in two function calls if need to bind, such as:

// declaration of variable foo and bar first
env.Option('o', "option", "option with argument")
   .Option('\0', "foo", "").Bind("foo", foo)
   .Option(0, "bar", "").Bind("bar", bar);

Options set for the same 'CEnvBase' object should not be duplicated in both long and short option names. Long option name are required, however, the short option name is not required, because the letter resources are limited, so the short name can left to be unset for the non-common options. This can be done by passing the first parameter with null character \0 or simply '0'. Descriptions and default value parameters can also pass empty strings when you do not want to set them.

Option settings must be called before the Feed() method to take effect. If there are settings that must be provided option while the user not provide , Feed() will return a non-0 value. However, consistent with the default behavior of not setting any options, the user is still allowed to enter any option, if you want to check if there is an option input that is not within the range of preset options, you can turn on strict parsing mode. For example:

int nError = env.SetOptionOnly().Feed(argc, argv);

This may detect that the user accidentally misspelled the option name, and it is up to the client program to decide whether to turn it on or not.

Method for Common Option Setting

Although the above Option() method has a more general overloaded version, it has too many parameters and still does not cover all option features , so the most general 'Set()' method is provided. It only receives three parameters: option name, descriptive information and a opional binding variable. The key is the first argument, which is not a simple string, but a string with a conventional format , which can contain multiple spaces-separated parts (tokens), each expressing certain option characteristics, including:

  • Include a short option name of a single letter with -.
  • Long option name with -- prefix.
  • Leads a number with # to indicate the binding positional parameter index.
  • Environment variable names with prefixed $, which is bound to the option.
  • A = after the long option name indicates that the option requires parameter.
  • ? after = indicates that the option must be provided, and + indicates that the option can be provided multiple times.
  • Enclosed in brackets [] indicates the default parameter for this option.

For example, you can define a set of options like this:

env.Set("-f --flag", "simple flag without argument")
   .Set("-F --Flag", "simple flag without argument", bBindFlag)
   .Set("-o --option=", "option with argument")
   .Set("-O --Option= [val]", "option with argument and defult")
   .Set("-r --required=?", "option must be provided")
   .Set("-m --multiple=+ [val]", "option allowed mutiple provided")
   .Set("--foo=", "", foo).Set("--bar", "", bar)
   .Set("-u $USER --user=", "user name can be from env", user)
   .Set("-i #1 --input=", "", input)
   .Set("-p #2 --output=", "", output);

// note: foo bar user input output is bind variables

Where only the long option name is required in the first parameter, the second parameter description text can be empty, and the last bound variable can be missing for not binding.

Help Information for Customized Options

The library has a built-in parameterless option, or --help flag that prints help information, which mainly includes the list of options that have been set , the format of the printed content is like the first two parameters of the Set() method, which is also how the format convention of the first parameter brings up.

However, by default, the corresponding short option name is not set for the --help option, because taking into account of scarcity of the letter resource, it should be up to the customer program to decide how to allocate and use. If the client program requires -h as a short name of --help , you can explicitly set this option, using one of the following two statements:

env.Set("-h --help", "print this help message");
env.Flag('h', "help", "print this help message");

If -h is already occupied by another option, you can use a different letter such as -H instead. However, you cannot change the long option name, such as --Help , otherwise it will be used as another customized option, and it will be up to the client program to code how to handle this option. For example, you can also call the CEnvBase::Help() method to print help information.

If you are not satisfied with the help information printed by default in this library, you can override Usage(std::string& outText) method in the derived class to generate help text.

Environment Variables and Default Value Settings

When the $ environment variable is introduced in the option settings, the environment variable can be used in place of the command line when start up the program. For example, by setting the user option above, the following two command-lines are equivalent:

./exe --user=lymslive *.txt
USER=lymslive ./exe *.txt

When the associated environment variable has been exported, it is not necessary to define the environment variable before the program name each time the program is started, to simplify command-line input. Environment variables are generally capitalized, but specifically how they are allowed naming is determined by the system.

Command-line arguments, default arguments, and environment variables take precedence as follows:

  1. Explicitly specify argument for option on the command line will take precedence.
  2. Then is the value of the associated environment variable.
  3. If the environment variable for the option is not set or the value is empty, the default value of the option is taken last.

When it comes to setting environment variables or default values, the return value of CEnvBase::Get() of dual-parameter version may have subtle differences compared with Has(). Because Has() only tells that the command line do input an option, while Get() may still return true when it reads non-empty default value.

Positional Parameter Elevation Settings

If an option is extremely common, you can set it to allow promotion from positional parameters, as in the preceding option setting of #1 --input and #2 --output. This simplifies the input, and the following two ways of writing are equivalent:

./exe --input 1.txt --output 2.txt
./exe 1.txt 2.txt

So why not simply unset these two options and read the positional parameters directly? That's because through the option settings, you can print the relevant information in '--help', and by naming the parameters can also prevent forgetting the parameter order. While writing a script , you can still explicitly write out the option name to increase readability.

Positional parameter promotion has a restriction, only the first few positional parameters can be tried in turn, and the promotion process is terminated after failure. example as:

  • If only one option has the #2 binding set and none of the options has #1 bound, it will not work.
  • If the option to bind #1 has been explicitly entered into the command line, the first parameter will not be promoted as well as the following parameters, even if there are options set bound to '#2'.

This is designed to make the rules simple, avoid difficult to understand, and use confusion. And it is generally recommended not to set more than three parameter promotion binding.

For positional parameters promote, the index of the binding starts at 1 and are also customary for the argv[] array.

Mapping of Configure to Command-line Argument

Configure Mapping Rules

Configuration file is used to troubleshoot super-long line command-line arguments reuse and maintenance issues. The basic principle of this library on this is that the text of each line in the configuration file is equivalent to each argument on the command line separated by a space. In the simplest case, if copy a long command line to a file and saved after replacing spaces with carriage returns in bulk, it will be equivalent to manually entering the original command line. In practice, it is fully compatible with the '.ini' or '.properties' configuration file formats.

Specifically, each row of the configuration file is processed as follows (in rough order):

  • Trim out the white space.
  • Ignore empty lines and comment lines begin with # or ;.
  • Configuration lines are generally in form as key=val, similar to the --key=val option parameter, except that blanks are allowed before and after =.
  • Ini section name such as [section] will be prefixed with each key under the section, forming a full option name like '--section.key'.
  • Every line after the special line -- or [--] will be treated as a positional argument of the command line.
  • The remaining lines without '=', with or without the '-' prefix, are parsed according to the same command-line argument rules.

For example, a configuration file like this:

# no section keys
efg = 1

hi = jk

hi = JK

# end of options

Corresponds to the command-line as following:

-abc abc --efg=1 --hi jk --xxx.hi=jk --yyy.hi=JK -- 1 uvw

Where the parsing of -abc depends on whether there was a previous setting for the -a option and whether the option has parameters, and meanwhile, the --hi jk two-line also depends on whether the --hi option setting has parameter. When manually edit the configuration, it is recommended to always use the long option name, and connect the option with it's argument with equal signs on the same line, add comment or section if necessary.

Options to Read Configuration

--config is another built-in option that takes parameter and has the default value of being the same name as the program name plus the '.ini' suffix (reading from the current working directory). That is to say, programs compiled with this library will try to read the configuration file at startup, even if you don't specify the --config option, or don't know there is this feature at all.

If the configuration file is unreadable, just ignore and skip it silently. It can also be specified explicitly --config=NONE to ignore reading the configuration file, even if there is a strange file named NONE in the current directory. In fact, by entering a file name that does not exist, you can alo skip the configuration reading, but the NONE intention is obvious.

The --config option does not have a short option name letter by default, but you can specify a letter yourself like '--help'. You can also modify the default value, such as setting the default value to NONE to skip the reading of configuration when not explicitly specified on the command line:

env.Set("-c --cofing= [NONE]", "read argument from config file");

Of course, if necessary, you can bind an environment variable, such as $MY_CONFIG --config=.

There is also a usage pattern where if the configuration file is the most important argument for the client program, it can be bound into positional parameter, such as:

env.Set("#1 --config=?", "read argument from config file");

Thus, the program can be started from different configuration files on the command line:

./exe someone.ini
./exe another.ini

Priority of Configuration and Command Line Argument

The CEnvBase::Feed() method first reads in the command-line arguments argv[] and then configures according to the command-line specified file name, whoes lines are parsed again as a command-line arguments. If there is also a --config option in the configuration file, it will no longer work.

Therefore the command line explicitly input options are at the higher priority level. You can write a copy of common basic configurations in a file and then temporarily overwrite some options in the command line when startup.

But this is only for the normal non-repeatable option. If an option is set to repeatable, when read argument again for the same option name, it is appended to the option values that might have been read in on the command line before. If there is any (after --) positional arguments in the configuration file, they are also appended to the positional arguemnts directly input by the command line.

Positional arguments promotation to option arguments are only occurs in the original input command-line arguments and do not act on the configuration file. For example, according to the previous #1 --input= option setting:

// from bash
./exe 1.txt

// form config

// in program
assert(input == "1.txt")

The positional argument 1.txt entered on the command line is promoted to the option parameter --input, which is also equivalent to being entered on the command line, so this option is ignored in the configuration file where otherwise read the option value of 11.txt.

Note: As long as the option is non-repeatable, if they are entered repeatedly on the command line, then the first value of this option takes effect and ignores later values.

Subcommand Arguments and Behavior Dispatch

Subcommand Handler

The library also supports the subcommand mode, where the first parameter is specially handled and dispatched as a subcommand, with each subcommand completing one category of business functions. You can use the CEnvBase::SubCommand() method to add subcommands, for example:

env.SubCommand("foo", "description test", subcmd_function)
   .SubCommand("bar", "description test", subcmd_object);

The first two parameters are the subcommand name and related description (--help printable information), and the third parameter is the handle of the subcommand, that there are two kinds of handlers to choose.

The first is a simple and straightforward function handler, which is defined roughly as follows:

int subcmd_function(int argc, const char* argv[], cli::CEnvBase* args)
    // make use of parsed argv in args to do stuff ...
    return 0;

The first two parameters are from main(), but make an offset correction to skip the original first parameter. That is, the argc number amount is 1 less, and argv[0] is the subcommand name. In general, the first two parameters may not be useful, as long as it can complete the business logic with the CEnvBase object pointer in the third argument which has parsed command-line arguments. But if any subcommands have completely different option settings, especially with the same option has different meanings in different subcommands, then the 'argv[]' command-line argument may need to be re-parsed in the handle function.

The second handler for subcommand is an object of another CEnvBase or its derived class. The functionality of this handler object is more abundant. It is parsed by the respective subcommand-related env object (except for the first subcommand name) of the remaining command lines arguments, and can automatically respond to the --help after the subcommand. While in the former handler function, there is only one related env object for main command to resolve all command line arguments.

Main Command Handler

Function handler to subcommands can also be registered to the main command (or a single command program that does not design subcommands) with the same prototype, which can be automatically invoked after the Feed() function parses the command-line arguments. The method is also similar:

env.Command("program_name", "description test", cmd_function);

This feature can avoid inheriting and overriding the Run() method to some extent, and only need to use the base class object, and register different handler functions as demanded. Because now many developers are starting to oppose the abuse of inheritance mechanisms. For example, different subcommands do not have to inherit many classes, and only use the base class to create different objects to handle the work of the subcommands:

int func1(int argc, const char* argv[], cli::CEnvBase* args);
int func2(int argc, const char* argv[], cli::CEnvBase* args);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    cli::CEnvBase env, env1, env2;
    env1.Set(...).Command("cmd1", "", func1);
    env2.Set(...).Command("cmd2", "", func2);
    env.SubCommand("cmd1", "", env1).SubCommand("cmd2", "", env2);
    return env.Feed(argc, argv);

Because the function handler of the main command is not essential, the Command() method can have only the first two or even one argument. The first parameter as the command name is displayed in the --help help message, but if the command name is never set, the command line argument argv[0] is used instead (possibly including the path). As long as use the Command() method to register a handler function, the env object will no longer call its Run() method.

Strict Subcommand Mode

By default, when an env object registers subcommands, it doesn't mean that subcommands must be used. If the first argument cannot match any one subcommand, then it can continue to parse all command-line arguments as a childless program does 。 If you want to qualify that the first argument must be a valid subcommand name, you can additionally call the SubCommandOnly() method to enable strict subcommand mode, such as:

env.SubCommand("foo", "description test", subcmd_function)
   .SubCommand("bar", "description test", subcmd_object)

At this point, when the first argument is an invalid subcommand name, the Feed() method returns a non-0 error code.

Nested Subcommands

Because the handler of a subcommand can be another env object, the subcommand can theoretically still have another set of subcommands of its own, and there is no limit to the depth of nesting. But in practice, most program only use a layer of subcommands, such as the popular git and docker command-line tools.

Subcommand Dispatched by Soft Link

Under Linux, you can associate multiple file names (command names) with a program by creating a soft link (or hard link). Yes, some programs can also be launched in different ways and perform different tasks with the program name argv[0]. e.g. vim has soft symbol link name of view and vimdiff.

This usage may be rare, and programs that dispatched by the first parameter argv[1] as a subcommand are more popular , so this library also takes precedence over this principle. However, it is also compatible with the former, when cannot find the subcommand from argv[1], it whill also try again via argv[0] or program_invocation_short_name. Other than that, if the client program has special needs, it is also possible to reconstruct argv[] as needed and pass it on to CEnvBase::Feed().

Error Handling

By default, the CEnvBase::Feed() method will read in and parse command-line arguments as much as possible, only explicit --help or --version will return a special error code ERROR_CODE_HELP in advance, otherwise it will go to the Run() method or registered handler function, and return the returned value of the latter. If the Run() method is not override and the handler function is not registered, the Feed() will generally return 0 to let the caller continue processing the business logic.

You can explicitly require the CEnvBase object to catch certain errors when parsing command-line arguments. For example, the above-mentioned SubCommandOnly() and SetOptionOnly() are two common methods, that only allow user to enter preset subcommands or options. Setting the option to mandatory is also another explicit requirement.

The General Way to Catch and Ignore Errors

There are actually more general Catch() method to pre-declare the catch of some special errors, such as:

// using namespace cli;

// or equivalently:
env.Catch(errors, sizeof(errors)/sizeof(errors[0]));

It is also possible to catch all errors that can be handled using the CatchAll() method, and then have the Ignore() method correspondingly to ignore some errors. For example, all errors is required to be captured, but undefined options are allowed, and the unreadable configuration file can be ignored:


However, if you use Set() method to setup an option that must be entered, such as --option=?, the error it triggers cannot be ignored, after all, the two requirements are contradictory.

List of Error Eodes

The error code defined in this library is in the cli::ErrorCode enumeration type. Please refer to the relevant comment or documentation for details. And there are many examples in test-error.cpp, showing when report what errors.

These error codes can be captured with the Catch() method, which need to be called before the Feed() parses the parameters, and some errors in the design of canonical options and subcommands should be called before setting options and subcommands.

Customize the error reporting function

When an error is detected, a line of information is printed to the standard error stderr by default to prompt the user to notice the error. However, it also allows client programs to provide their own error reporting functions, such as:

void my_error_report(int code, const std::string& text)
    // todo ...
    fprintf(stdout, "MY-E%d: %s\n", code, text.c_str());

auto save_handler = cli::SetErrorHandler(my_error_report);
// Here any error triggered will invok my_error_report()

The error report or handler receives two arguments, an integer error code and a corresponding descriptive string.

The free function cli::SetErrorHandler() is used to register the error handler and returns the original handler, which can be saved for later rollback if needed.

Undefined behavior

Other unhandled errors, or tentatively called undefined behavior. Undefined meaning depends on the implementation, the current implementation may be acceptable, but does not guarantee the compatibility in detail at the time of subsequent development iterations.

The following is a list of undefined behaviors that are clearly unreasonable (not necessarily exhaustive) and should be avoided by users as much as possible:

  • Get value of flag which option with no argument.

Code Reference

Before I developed this library, I had used the following library to parse command-line arguments:

  • GNU getopt and getopt_long
  • CLI11 an head only command line option lib.