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v0.2 (#4)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* initial commit

* remove type restriction on tolerances

* add AuxQuad extension

* update Project.toml

* getting ready for v0.2

* add Fourier & HDF5 tests

* migrate to IntegralCache

* fix the doc demo

* finalize interface

* finalize interface

* replace Integrals.jl with my own thing

* simplify

* make batchsolve behavior consistent

* update alloc_segbufs

* make parallel an argument to ptr and autoptr

* fix parameter numbering

* update deps for v0.2
  • Loading branch information
lxvm authored Jun 15, 2023
1 parent c907b58 commit de35f24
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Showing 13 changed files with 1,153 additions and 688 deletions.
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
name = "AutoBZCore"
uuid = "66bd3e16-1600-45cf-8f55-0b550710682b"
authors = ["lxvm <>"]
version = "0.1.6"
version = "0.2.0"

AutoSymPTR = "78a0c066-08f1-49a8-82f0-b29cd485e1d3"
FourierSeriesEvaluators = "2a892dea-6eef-4bb5-9d1c-de966c9f6db5"
Integrals = "de52edbc-65ea-441a-8357-d3a637375a31"
HCubature = "19dc6840-f33b-545b-b366-655c7e3ffd49"
IteratedIntegration = "3ecdc4d6-ee34-4049-885a-a4e3631db98b"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Printf = "de0858da-6303-5e67-8744-51eddeeeb8d7"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
Requires = "ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df"
StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"

HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"

HDF5Ext = "HDF5"

AutoSymPTR = "0.1"
AutoSymPTR = "0.2"
FourierSeriesEvaluators = "0.1"
Integrals = "3.1.1"
IteratedIntegration = "0.1.5"
HCubature = "1.4"
HDF5 = "0.16.15"
IteratedIntegration = "0.3"
Reexport = "1"
Requires = "1"
StaticArrays = "1"
julia = "1.6"

HDF5Ext = "HDF5"
julia = "1.9"

HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"
OffsetArrays = "6fe1bfb0-de20-5000-8ca7-80f57d26f881"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Test"]

HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"
test = ["Test", "HDF5", "StaticArrays", "OffsetArrays"]
86 changes: 55 additions & 31 deletions ext/HDF5Ext.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
module HDF5Ext

using Printf: @sprintf
using LinearAlgebra: norm

if isdefined(Base, :get_extension)
using AutoBZCore: IntegralSolver, MixedParameters
using HDF5: h5open, write_dataset, read_dataset, Group, H5DataStore, create_dataset, create_group
import AutoBZCore: batchsolve
using ..AutoBZCore: IntegralSolver, MixedParameters
using ..HDF5: h5open, write_dataset, read_dataset, Group, H5DataStore, create_dataset, create_group
import ..AutoBZCore: batchsolve
using AutoBZCore: IntegralSolver, MixedParameters, solver_type, AuxValue, IntegralSolution
using HDF5: h5open, write_dataset, read_dataset, Group, H5DataStore, create_dataset, create_group, delete_object, name
import AutoBZCore: batchsolve

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,16 +40,40 @@ end
# parallelization

# returns (dset, ax) to allow for array-valued data types
function autobz_create_dataset(parent, path, T::Type, dims_::Tuple{Vararg{Int}})
function autobz_create_dataset(parent, path, T::Type, dims_)
dims = ((ndims(T) == 0 ? () : size(T))..., dims_...)
ax = ntuple(_-> :, Val(ndims(T)))
return create_dataset(parent, path, eltype(T), dims), ax
function autobz_create_dataset(parent, path, ::Type{AuxValue{T}}, dims) where T
# split auxvalue into two groups for easier interoperability with other languages, since
# the HDF5 compound type could be a challenge
g = create_group(parent, "I")
gval, axval = autobz_create_dataset(g, "val", T, dims)
gaux, axaux = autobz_create_dataset(g, "aux", T, dims)
return (gval, gaux), (axval, axaux)

function param_group(parent, T, dims)
return create_dataset(parent, "p", T, dims)
set_value(g, i::CartesianIndex, val) = g[i.I...] = val
set_value(parent, ax::Tuple, i::CartesianIndex, sol) = parent[ax...,i.I...] = sol
function set_value((gval, gaux)::Tuple, (axval, axaux)::Tuple, i::CartesianIndex, sol::AuxValue)
set_value(gval, axval, i, sol.val)
set_value(gaux, axaux, i, sol.aux)
return nothing
# special cases for 0-d arrays with scalar fields, for which rewrite is not supported
function set_value(g, ::CartesianIndex{0}, val)
p = parent(g)
s = basename(name(g))
delete_object(p, s)
write_dataset(p, s, val)
return nothing
set_value(parent, ::Tuple{}, i::CartesianIndex{0}, sol) = set_value(parent, i, sol)

param_group(parent, T, dims) = create_dataset(parent, "p", T, dims)
function param_group(parent, ::Type{T}, dims) where {T<:Tuple}
g = create_group(parent, "params")
for (i, S) in enumerate(T.parameters)
Expand All @@ -74,51 +93,56 @@ function param_group(parent, ::Type{MixedParameters{T,NamedTuple{K,V}}}, dims) w
return (g,q)
function param_record(group, p, i)
group[i] = p
set_value(group, i, p)
return nothing
function param_record(group, p::Tuple, i)
for (j,e) in enumerate(p)
group[string(j)][i] = e
set_value(group[string(j)], i, e)
return nothing
function param_record((g, q), p::MixedParameters, i)
for (j,e) in enumerate(getfield(p, :args))
g[string(j)][i] = e
set_value(g[string(j)], i, e)
for (k,v) in pairs(getfield(p, :kwargs))
q[string(k)][i] = v
set_value(q[string(k)], i, v)
return nothing

batchsolve(h5::H5DataStore, f::IntegralSolver, ps, T=Base.promote_op(f, eltype(ps)); nthreads=Threads.nthreads())
batchsolve(h5::H5DataStore, f::IntegralSolver, ps, [T]; verb=true, nthreads=Threads.nthreads())
function batchsolve(h5::H5DataStore, f::IntegralSolver, ps, T=Base.promote_op(f, eltype(ps)), verb=true; nthreads=Threads.nthreads())
dims = tuple(length(ps))

function batchsolve(h5::H5DataStore, f::IntegralSolver, ps::AbstractArray, T=solver_type(f, ps[begin]); verb=true, nthreads=Threads.nthreads())
isconcretetype(T) || throw(ArgumentError("Result type of integrand is abstract or could not be inferred. Please provide the concrete return type to save to HDF5"))
len = length(ps)
dims = size(ps)
gI, ax = autobz_create_dataset(h5, "I", T, dims)
gE = create_dataset(h5, "E", Float64, dims)
gt = create_dataset(h5, "t", Float64, dims)
gr = create_dataset(h5, "retcode", Int32, dims)
gp = param_group(h5, eltype(ps), dims)

function h5callback(f, i, p, sol, t)
verb && @info @sprintf "parameter %i finished in %e (s)" i t
gI[ax...,i] = sol
gE[i] = isnothing(sol.resid) ? NaN : convert(Float64, sol.resid)
gt[i] = t
gr[i] = Integer(sol.retcode)
function h5callback(_, i, n, p, sol, t)
verb && @info @sprintf "%5i / %i done in %e (s)" n len t
set_value(gI, ax, i, sol.u)
set_value(gE, i, isnothing(sol.resid) ? NaN : convert(Float64, T<:AuxValue ? sol.resid.val : sol.resid))
set_value(gt, i, t)
set_value(gr, i, Integer(sol.retcode))
param_record(gp, p, i)

@info "Started parameter sweep"
verb && @info "Started parameter sweep"
t = time()
sol = batchsolve(f, ps, T; callback=h5callback, nthreads=nthreads)
t = time()-t
@info @sprintf "Finished parameter sweep in %e (s) CPU time and %e (s) wall clock time" sum(read(gt)) t
verb && @info @sprintf "Finished parameter sweep in %e (s) CPU time and %e (s) wall clock time" sum(read(gt)) t

return sol

74 changes: 32 additions & 42 deletions src/AutoBZCore.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,70 +16,60 @@ For example, computing the local Green's function can be done as follows:
using FourierSeriesEvaluators
using AutoBZCore
gloc_integrand(h_k; η, ω) = inv(complex(ω,η)*I-h_k) # define integrand evaluator
h = FourierSeries([0.5, 0.0, 0.5]; offset=-2) # construct cos(k) 1D integer lattice Hamiltonian
bz = FullBZ(2pi*I(1)) # construct BZ from lattice vectors A=2pi*I
integrand = FourierIntegrand(gloc_integrand, h, η=0.1) # construct integrand with Fourier series h and parameter η=0.1
gloc_integrand(k, h; η, ω) = inv(complex(ω,η)*I-h(k)) # define integrand evaluator
h = FourierSeries([0.5, 0.0, 0.5]; period=1, offset=-2) # construct cos(2πk) 1D integer lattice Hamiltonian
integrand = Integrand(gloc_integrand, h, η=0.1) # construct integrand with Fourier series h and parameter η=0.1
prob = IntegralProblem(integrand, 0, 1) # setup the integral problem
alg = QuadGKJL() # choose integration algorithm (also AutoPTR() and PTR())
gloc = IntegralSolver(prob, alg; abstol=1e-3) # construct a solver for gloc to within specified tolerance
gloc(ω=0.0) # evaluate gloc at frequency ω=0.0
gloc_integrand(h_k::FourierValue; η, ω) = inv(complex(ω,η)*I-h_k.s) # define integrand evaluator
h = FourierSeries([0.0; 0.5; 0.0;; 0.5; 0.0; 0.5;; 0.0; 0.5; 0.0]; period=1, offset=-2) # construct cos(2πk) 1D integer lattice Hamiltonian
bz = FullBZ(2pi*I(2)) # construct BZ from lattice vectors A=2pi*I
integrand = FourierIntegrand(gloc_integrand, h, η=0.1) # construct integrand with Fourier series h and parameter η=0.1
prob = IntegralProblem(integrand, bz) # setup the integral problem
alg = IAI() # choose integration algorithm (also AutoPTR() and PTR())
gloc = IntegralSolver(integrand, bz, alg; abstol=1e-3) # construct a solver for gloc to within specified tolerance
gloc(ω=0.0) # evaluate gloc at frequency ω=0.0
gloc = IntegralSolver(prob, alg; abstol=1e-3) # construct a solver for gloc to within specified tolerance
gloc(ω=0.0) # evaluate gloc at frequency ω=0.0
!!! note "Assumptions"
`AutoBZCore` assumes that all calculations occur in the
reciprocal lattice basis, since that is the basis in which Wannier
interpolants are most efficiently described. See [`SymmetricBZ`](@ref) for
details. We also assume that the integrands are cheap to evaluate, which is why we
provide adaptive methods in the first place, so that return types can be determined at
runtime (and mechanisms are in place for compile time as well)
module AutoBZCore

!isdefined(Base, :get_extension) && using Requires
@static if !isdefined(Base, :get_extension)
function __init__()
@require HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f" include("../ext/HDF5Ext.jl")

using LinearAlgebra: I, norm, det, checksquare

using StaticArrays: SMatrix
using StaticArrays: SVector, SMatrix, pushfirst
using Reexport
@reexport using Integrals
@reexport using FourierSeriesEvaluators
@reexport using AutoSymPTR
@reexport using FourierSeriesEvaluators
@reexport using IteratedIntegration

import Integrals: IntegralProblem, __solvebp_call, SciMLBase.NullParameters, ReCallVJP, ZygoteVJP
import AutoSymPTR: autosymptr, symptr, symptr_rule!, symptr_rule, ptr, ptr_rule!, ptrindex, alloc_autobuffer
import IteratedIntegration: iterated_integrand, iterated_pre_eval, alloc_segbufs

using IteratedIntegration: alloc_segbufs, nextrule, nextdim, RuleQuad.GaussKronrod, NestedGaussKronrod
using HCubature: hcubature

export SymmetricBZ, FullBZ, nsyms
export AbstractSymRep, SymRep, UnknownRep, TrivialRep, FaithfulRep, LatticeRep
export AbstractSymRep, SymRep, UnknownRep, TrivialRep

export AbstractAutoBZAlgorithm, IAI, PTR, AutoPTR, PTR_IAI, AutoPTR_IAI, TAI
export IntegralProblem, solve
export IAI, PTR, AutoPTR, PTR_IAI, AutoPTR_IAI, TAI, QuadGKJL, HCubatureJL

export MixedParameters, paramzip, paramproduct
export IntegralSolver, batchsolve

export MixedParameters, AbstractAutoBZIntegrand, paramzip, paramproduct

export Integrand

NTHREADS_KSUM = fill(Threads.nthreads())

This represents the number of threads to parallelize over for k-sums in PTR. To
change the number of threads to 1 to completely bypass multi-threading, write
`AutoBZCore.NTHREADS_KSUM[] = 1`.
const NTHREADS_KSUM = fill(Threads.nthreads())

export FourierIntegrand
export FourierIntegrand, FourierValue


2 comments on commit de35f24

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@lxvm lxvm commented on de35f24 Jun 15, 2023

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