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/*** MADE BY LANDRY MONGA - 2017 *** \
Options :
- Choice of language beetwen French and English
- Solo mode/Duo Mode : The first player to found his word wins
- 3 levels of difficulty : Common words, Difficult words, random
Before playing you can choose language (French or English), and number of players (One or Two)
In solo mode you choose the level of difficulty and a word is chosen for you If the letter chosen is in the word you have no pv lost, if isn't you lost a pv and hangman draw is showing up
You can have some clue if you have difficulties to find the word, however you have to sacrifice a pv for it If don't want one just press n
Once you have finished you can replay by pressing Enter or quit by pressing q
You can also choose duo mode, nothing changes but here this is the first to guess his word that wins
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