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Flashing G2 with Linux

Ivan Krasin edited this page Jun 15, 2014 · 13 revisions

This page assumes you have already built or downloaded gShield_flash.bin.

####Step 1. Install BOSSA flash programming utility.

Most likely (on Debian or Ubuntu), you will need to type the following in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install bossa-cli

Alternatively, you could get this utility from SourceForge.

####Step 2. Connect Arduino Due via micro-usb cable.

Make sure, you use the Programming USB port.

####Step 3. Activate bootloader:

stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 1200

####Step 4. Flash the chip with bossac:

bossac  --port=ttyACM0  -U true -e -w -v -i -b -R ./bin/gShield/gShield_flash.bin

It will output something like:

Erase flash
Write 117704 bytes to flash
[==============================] 100% (460/460 pages)
Verify 117704 bytes of flash
[==============================] 100% (460/460 pages)
Verify successful
Set boot flash true
Device       : ATSAM3X8
Chip ID      : 285e0a60
Version      : v1.1 Dec 15 2010 19:25:04
Address      : 524288
Pages        : 2048
Page Size    : 256 bytes
Total Size   : 512KB
Planes       : 2
Lock Regions : 32
Locked       : none
Security     : false
Boot Flash   : true
CPU reset.

You're done. If everything went right, RX orange led should be slowly blinking. To connect to the board through serial, you will need to attach the cable to "Native USB" port.

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