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Alden Hart edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 12 revisions

This page describes how digital inputs work provisionally in firmware version 0.99, firmware builds 100+. To read the firmware version type {fv:n}. To read build number type {fb:n}

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#Overview Digital IO on 0.99 currently supports generalized digital inputs and generalized digital outputs. 0.99 represents a step along the way towards a fully general digital IO system that supports the creation of arbitrary devices and mapping IO to the functions in those devices. Please expect IO functionality to change in future releases, as well as some of the setup parameters.

Currently the digital inputs accept an "old style" Mode parameter - i.e. the input enable and polarity are set by the Mode parameter (mo). In the near future 0.99 will be updated to split Mode (mo) and Polarity (po) into separate configuration variables. The documentation below has it listed both ways, with appropriate warnings.

G2core IO Model


Signal A signal is any value that is communicated. It may be binary (0,1), or analog ranging 0.000 - 1.000. An input switch generates a binary signal. An analog-to-digital converter generates an analog signal.

Event An event is a transition of a signal, such as an input going from inactive to its active state.

Functions are any code that does something simple, like react to a limit switch being hit, or trigger an alarm state. A function is anything that generates or consumes a signal. A limit function consumes one or more input signals. A PWM digital output consumes an analog signal and converts it to PWM on an output pin.

Bindings are how you connect primitives to functions; for example a limit function can be bound to one of more inputs (primitives) that are wired to limit switches.

A Component is a collection of one or more functions that does something. In some cases the component is very simple and only has one function. Like a component to read an input and report it out as, say, a person-is-at-the-door signal. In other cases a component may be more complex, encapsulating multiple functions. A heater is a good example, as it has PWM outputs, temperature inputs, output signals and a variety of settings. A heater is a component consisting of PWM, temperature sensors, PID processing, timeout functions, and maybe more. Components may be part of other components - the heater component may be part of an extruder component.

IO Primitives

IO primitives are used to configure IOs. The three IO primitives are digital input, digital output, and analog input. (Note: analog input is not implemented in 0.99)

Analog output is not implemented, but practically speaking we always use pulse width modulation (PWM) for variable outputs, and PWM functionality is folded into the digital outputs.

The IO primitives di and do are used to configure IO but not to read or write values. The value of the primitive is accessible based on its exposed-as object. The primitive may also be associated with functions that map (bind) to the IO primitives.

Exposing IO

IO primitives are exposed for read and write as:

  • inN exposes diN for reading, e.g. {in1:n}
  • outN exposes doN for reading and writing, e.g. read as {out1:n}, write as {out1:1}

Digital Inputs

The current state of an input can be read using JSON objects. {inN:n} will return 0 if inactive, 1 if active (tripped), and null if the input is disabled or not present (and may also return non-zero status codes). Digital inputs are read-only.

{in1:n}  Read digital input 1, Returns 0, 1, or null

{in:n}   Read a all digital inputs as a single JSON object

###Digital Input Properties

  • An input is exposed via JSON as inN
  • The input value reads as 0 (off) or 1 (on)
  • The value is sense-corrected according to the polarity of the Mode setting
  • The value is conditioned - it's deglitched, debounced or otherwise conditioned
  • The exposed value is read-only - inN cannot be written and is an error
  • Attempting to read a value of a disabled (or unavailable) in will return a null value. A status code may also return an error if an unavailable or non-existent input was queried.
  • Digital inputs can be waited on using the M101 command, thus be part of a Gcode file and synchronized with the job. An example is waiting on an input to become active before continuing the job, e.g. M101 ({in4:1})
  • Digital input state may be reported in status reports by including inN. If you only want switch state reports but want the switch to have no other effect select action=none and function=none.

Note: Currently the readout {inN:n} is the same number as the configurator {diN..:}. In future releases these will be mappable.

Configuring Digital Inputs

Digital inputs are configured using a set of digital input objects referenced as:

{di1:n}  Group of parameters for digital input 1

{d1:n}   Uber-group of all digital input groups

Digital inputs have these attributes (using di1 as an example)

Name | Description | Values
{di1mo: | mode | 0=active low (NO), 1=active high (NC), 2=disabled
{di1ac: | action | 0=none, 1=stop, 2=fast_stop, 3=halt, 4=cycle_start, 5=alarm, 6=shutdown, 7=panic, 8=reset
{di1fn: | function | 0=none, 1=limit, 2=interlock, 3=shutdown

Inputs are sensitive to the leading edge of the transition – so falling edge for NO and rising for NC. When an input triggers it enters a lockout state for some period of time where it will not trigger again (a deglitching mechanism). Typically about 50 ms. Some functions (Interlock) also use the trailing edge for "coming off" the function.


  • Mode
    • Mode will return NULL if an input is queried that is not available due to hardware or configuration
    • Note: Mode settings will change in future releases
  • Action - occurs immediately when input fires
    • Stop is a controlled feedhold that preserves position
    • Fast_Stop is a controlled feedhold at high jerk that preserves position
    • Halt ceases steps immediately and does not preserve position
    • Cycle_start starts or resumes motion after a feedhold or stop (RESERVED - not yet implemented)
    • Alarm places the system in an alarm state (and may initiate further system actions)
    • Shutdown initiates a system shutdown
    • Panic initiates a system panic
    • Reset performs a hard reset of the controller
  • Function - called from main loop after input fires
    • limit acts as a limit switch which goes into an ALARM state. Enter {clear:n} to clear
    • interlock pauses all movement until the interlock input is restored
  • Attempting to configure a non-existent di will return a null value and an error status code

Digital Inputs During Homing

Homing is an exception as an input can be configured as a homing input and a limit input. To configure homing these new parameters are added to the axis config (example showing X axis):

Name | Description | Values
{xhi: | homing input | 1-N corresponding to input switch, or 0 to disable homing for this axis
{xhd: | homing direction | 0=search-to-negative, 1=search-to-positive

Inputs operate differently during homing – sequence is:

  • Limits are overridden so that all limits are inactive
  • The axis being homed sets the input to “homing_mode”
  • The homing function attempts to clear off the homing switch if it is depressed
  • The rest is normal – search, latch, zero backoff, set zero, set axis to homed state. Uses HALT jerk value {xjh:...}
  • At the end of homing limit override is removed

Digital Inputs During Probing

Probing is also an exception that disables limit functionality.

Future Digital Input Settings

The following changes t the DI settings are planned

Name Description Values
{di1mo: mode 0=disabled, 1=enabled
{di1po: polarity 0=normal (active high), 1=inverted (active low)
{di1ac: action 0=none, 1=stop, 2=fast_stop, 3=halt, 4=cycle_start, 5=alarm, 6=shutdown, 7=panic, 8=reset
{di1in: exposed-as 0=not-exposed, 1-M = bound to in1 through inM


  • The inN object associated with the diN will be assignable (mapped)
  • Function bindings such as Limit or Interlock will be performed as a parameter of the function, not the DI.

#Digital Outputs The current state of an output can be read or written using JSON objects. {outN:n} will return 0 if inactive, 1 if active (tripped), and null if the output is disabled or not present. Note that the 0/1 values are corrected for output sense - 1 is active.

{out1:n}	Read digital output. Returns 0 (off), 1 (on), or null

{out:n}	        Read all digital outputs in a single JSON object
{out1:1}	Write digital output to ON state

{out:{1:1,4:1}}  Illustrates multiple outputs written in a single command 

Digital Output Properties

Binary Digital Outputs (0/1 Outputs)

  • An binary output is exposed- via JSON as outN
  • Output values are written as 0 (off) and 1 (on)
  • A boolean value (true, false) may be written and will be converted to 1 and 0
  • A floating point value may be written and will be interpreted as (bool)(value >= 0.5).
  • The actual output is polarity corrected based on the polarity setting in the Mode parameter
  • The exposed value reads back the value it was set to as a float, which may not be the value provided. For example, if a binary output was set to 0.75 it will read back as 1
  • Attempting to read or write a value of a disabled or unavailable out will return a null value. A status code may also return an error if the request was an unavailable or non-existent output.
  • Digital outputs may be set during Gcode execution by using the M100 active JSON command. For example M100 ({out1:1})
  • Digital output state may be reported in status reports by including the outN.

PWM Digital Outputs (0.000/1.000 Outputs)

  • An PWM'd output is exposed via JSON as outN
  • Output PWM values are written as 0.000 to 1.000
  • In Active-High mode 0.000 is a 0% duty cycle and 1.000 is 100%. In Active-Low mode these are reversed.
  • The outN readout will report the written value, not the inverted value (set and read values always align) Note: Currently the readout {outN:n} is the same number as the configurator {doN..:}. In future releases these will be mappable.

Configuring Digital Outputs

Digital outputs are controlled using a set of digital output objects referenced as:


{do:n}     Group of all digital outputs

Digital outputs have these attributes (using do1 as an example)

Name | Description | Values
{do1mo: | mode | 0=active low, 1=active high, 2=disabled


  • Mode
    • Mode will return NULL if an output is queried that is not available due to hardware of configuration
    • Note: Mode settings will change in furtture releases

Future Digital Output Settings

Name Description Values
{do1mo: mode 0=disabled, 1=enabled
{do1po: polarity 0=normal (active high), 1=inverted (active low)
{do1out: exposed-as 0=not-exposed, 1-M = bound to out1 through outM
{do1frq: frequency 0=PWM off, >0 = PWM frequency in Hz
{do1dcl: duty cycle low set duty cycle lower bound 0.000 - 1.000
{do1dch: duty cycle high set duty cycle upper bound 0.000 - 1.000. Must be > dl


  • Mode
    • Mode will return NULL if an output is queried that is not available due to hardware or configuration
  • Exposed-As
    • A digital output can only be exposed as a single out function (multiple expose points are not supported)
    • M is limited to 32 and will return a range error if exceeded
  • Frequency
    • Can be set to any supported value but may be limited to a system-wide max
    • PWM channels that share frequencies (common timers) may also be limited
    • If the IO does not support PWM frq will return null and an error status code
  • Duty Cycle settings
    • Duty cycles may be limited to a defined range less than 0% to 100%. Requesting a value outside this range will set and return the min or max value that was exceeded
    • High must be > low or an error is returned
    • If the IO does not support PWM dcl and dch will return null and an error status code
  • Attempting to configure a non-existent do will return a null value and an error status code
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