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Can we build a Zig GUI App for PinePhone with the capy library?
Let's find out!
On PinePhone, download the latest Zig Compiler zig-linux-aarch64
## Download the Zig Compiler
curl -O -L
## Extract the Zig Compiler
tar xf zig-linux-aarch64-0.10.0-dev.2674+d980c6a38.tar.xz
## Add to PATH. TODO: Also add this line to ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$HOME/zig-linux-aarch64-0.10.0-dev.2674+d980c6a38:$PATH"
## Test the Zig Compiler, should show "0.10.0-dev.2674+d980c6a38"
zig version
Will Zig Compiler run on any PinePhone?
I tested the Zig Compiler with Manjaro Phosh on PinePhone (pic above), but it will probably work on any PinePhone distro since the Zig Compiler is a self-contained Arm64 Binary.
(Zig Compiler works with Mobian on PinePhone too)
Download the latest Zigmod Package Manager zigmod-aarch64-linux
## Download Zigmod Package Manager
curl -O -L
## Make it executable
chmod +x zigmod-aarch64-linux
## Move it to the Zig Compiler directory, rename as zigmod
mv zigmod-aarch64-linux zig-linux-aarch64-0.10.0-dev.2674+d980c6a38/zigmod
## Test Zigmod, should show "zigmod r80 linux aarch64 musl"
To build the app on PinePhone...
## Download the Source Code
git clone --recursive
cd zig-pinephone-gui
## Install the dependencies for capy library
pushd libs/zgt
zigmod fetch
## Build the app
zig build
If the build fails, check that the gtk+-3.0
library is installed on PinePhone. (Here's why)
(The app builds OK on Mobian after installing gtk+-3.0
To run the app on PinePhone...
We should see the screen below.
When we tap the Run
and Save
buttons, we should see...
info: You clicked button with text Run
info: You clicked button with text Save
Yep we have successfully built a Zig GUI App for PinePhone with capy! 🎉
Is the app fast and responsive on PinePhone?
Yep it feels as fast and responsive as a GTK app coded in C.
Remember that Zig is a compiled language, and our compiled app is directly calling the GTK Library.
Here's the source code for the app: src/main.zig
// Import the capy library and Zig Standard Library
const zgt = @import("zgt");
const std = @import("std");
/// Main Function for our app
pub fn main() !void {
// Init the capy library
try zgt.backend.init();
// Fetch the Window
var window = try zgt.Window.init();
// Set the Window Contents
try window.set(
// One Column of Widgets
zgt.Column(.{}, .{
// Top Row of Widgets
zgt.Row(.{}, .{
// Save Button
zgt.Button(.{ .label = "Save", .onclick = buttonClicked }),
// Run Button
zgt.Button(.{ .label = "Run", .onclick = buttonClicked }),
// Expanded means the widget will take all the space it can
// in the parent container
// Editable Text Area
zgt.TextArea(.{ .text = "Hello World!\n\nThis is a Zig GUI App...\n\nBuilt for PinePhone...\n\nWith zgt Library!" })
}) // End of Column
); // End of Window
// Resize the Window (might not be correct for PinePhone)
window.resize(800, 600);
// Show the Window;
// Run the Event Loop to handle Touch Events
/// This function is called when the Buttons are clicked
fn buttonClicked(button: *zgt.Button_Impl) !void {
// Print the Button Label to console
"You clicked button with text {s}",
.{ button.getLabel() }
This app is based on the capy demo...
For comparison, here's a typical GTK app coded in C...
Though I think our Zig app looks more like Vala than C...
For convenience, we may use VSCode Remote to do Remote Development with PinePhone...
Just connect VSCode to PinePhone via SSH, as described here...
Remember to install the Zig Extension for VSCode...
Will the Zig GUI App run on Arm64 laptops like Pinebook Pro?
Yep! The same steps above will work on Pinebook Pro.
Here's our Zig GUI App running with Manjaro Xfce on Pinebook Pro...