Build both go applications for linux :
Linux build :
cd backend
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
cd ../frontend
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
cd ..
Powershell build :
function golinux {$env:GOOS="linux";$env:GOARCH="amd64";go build;$env:GOOS=$null;$env:GOARCH=$null}
cd backend
cd ../frontend
cd ..
Be sure GOARCH correspond to the underlying system you run your container into
To avoid installing and configuring go on your machine :
docker build -t backend-build -f build/Dockerfile --build-arg APP_PATH=backend .
docker run -d backend-build tail -f /dev/null
docker cp "$(docker ps -q -f ancestor=backend-build):/go/bin/backend" bin/backend
docker rm -fv $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=backend-build)
docker build -t frontend-build -f build/Dockerfile --build-arg APP_PATH=frontend .
docker run -d frontend-build tail -f /dev/null
docker cp "$(docker ps -q -f ancestor=frontend-build):/go/bin/frontend" bin/frontend
docker rm -fv $(docker ps -q -f ancestor=frontend-build)
When once of previous steps has been completed, you can now build final lighweight containers
Build both docker containers :
docker build -t kelseyhightower/backend:1.0.0 -f backend/Dockerfile .
docker build -t kelseyhightower/frontend:1.0.0 -f frontend/Dockerfile .