Releases: lunduniversity/introprog
Releases · lunduniversity/introprog
v2024.3 final print + some post-print minor fixes
What's Changed
- Update w01-intro-exercise.tex to fix typo by @dixine55 in #741
- fix: correct chapter reference target
by @jeengbe in #742 - Korrigering av filnamn av sum.scala till by @Aresiel in #744
- Punkt tillagd mellan "xs" och "map" i Uppgift 5, W02 by @Aresiel in #747
- fix typo in w05 classes & incorrect contribution URL in how to contribute by @sakerhetspolisen in #748
- fix typo under appendix b by @ekvanox in #743
- Removed question about side effect by @OlofBen in #750
- Update excercise 2.4 a) by @axelnilsson98 in #751
- Fix spelling error in w04 exercise 8 by @Poiku in #755
- fix spelling mistake blockbattle by @pontussjostedt in #759
- fix spelling mistake by @3mil-H in #761
- Rephrase solution for exercise w04 by @johannesnydahl in #765
- fix typos in exercise w04 by @johannesnydahl in #763
- fix lab code skeleton in w04 by @johannesnydahl in #764
- Fix solution for exercise w06 by @johannesnydahl in #766
- Update w09-setmap-lab.tex by @valterbergstrand in #781
- Remove references to kojo web by @theolundqvist in #757
- Add info about string interning in slide J.1.67 fix #783 by @EliasAAradsson in #784
- Removed override modifer from exercise in W10 by @johannesnydahl in #778
- Add ??? to skeleton code in lab W04 by @johannesnydahl in #794
- Update compile.tex to JDK 21 by @evasann in #798
- Removed legacy boot suggestion, fixes #799 by @Annie-Wb in #800
- Fix typo in w01 lecture by @confusinguser in #801
New Contributors
- @dixine55 made their first contribution in #741
- @jeengbe made their first contribution in #742
- @Aresiel made their first contribution in #744
- @sakerhetspolisen made their first contribution in #748
- @ekvanox made their first contribution in #743
- @axelnilsson98 made their first contribution in #751
- @Poiku made their first contribution in #755
- @pontussjostedt made their first contribution in #759
- @3mil-H made their first contribution in #761
- @johannesnydahl made their first contribution in #765
- @EliasAAradsson made their first contribution in #784
- @evasann made their first contribution in #798
- @Annie-Wb made their first contribution in #800
- @confusinguser made their first contribution in #801
Full Changelog: v2023.2...v2024.3
v2023.2 ready for print
Attached Pdf:s sent to print.
Full Changelog: v2023.1...v2023.2
Kojo library 0.2.0 for Scala 3
Assembly jar copied from assets here:
See what's new in above release notes.
Download kojo-lib-0.2.0 and kojo.scala and start repl in same folder with scala-cli repl .
then type fram
and the turtle is shown.
v2023.1 Snapshot post course 2022
All updates since v2022.1
during the course and after until May 2023. Code is currently Scala 3.2.
What's Changed
- Fixed small typo by @Isak-Kallini in #650
- Update lect-w01-intro.tex to improve clarity by @HampSwe in #656
- Changed "uniform access" to "enhetlig access (eng. uniform access)" by @EdvinGroth in #664
- Add scala-cli workspaces by @oliverlevay in #661
- fix #667 'w04 exercise 7c: incorrect solution in answer key' by @snctfd in #668
- fixed example 5.1.35 output by @the0val in #674
- corrected a typo by @valterbergstrand in #680
- substituted syntax to promote consistency by @valterbergstrand in #682
- in exercises w05, encourage students to try Pos.moved and reflect over results by @snctfd in #679
- Changed to two space indentation by @OlofBen in #690
- Fix to curl command for downloading introprog jar to lib directory by @Hugo-Persson in #689
- Removed an unnecessary comparison by @Filip-afKlinteberg in #695
- updated description of xs.indices (Issue #692) by @Filip-afKlinteberg in #696
- Update lect-w07-enums.tex by @Hanyu-Lin in #705
- Fixes #720, Main -> run in readme by @fritjof-b in #721
- fix two typos by @fritjof-b in #722
- fix 717 English literal used in Swedish sentences by @fritjof-b in #723
- Fixed a few grammatical errors by @aliceakesson in #727
- Fixed a grammatical error by @aliceakesson in #728
New Contributors
- @Isak-Kallini made their first contribution in #650
- @HampSwe made their first contribution in #656
- @EdvinGroth made their first contribution in #664
- @the0val made their first contribution in #674
- @valterbergstrand made their first contribution in #680
- @OlofBen made their first contribution in #690
- @Hugo-Persson made their first contribution in #689
- @Filip-afKlinteberg made their first contribution in #695
- @Hanyu-Lin made their first contribution in #705
- @aliceakesson made their first contribution in #727
Full Changelog: v2022.1...v2023.1
v2022.1 Print version start of course August 2022
Full Changelog: v6.1...v2022.1
v6.1 Compendium and quickref by end of course 2021
fix incorrect came case MultiMap -> Multimap
Kojo library for Scala 3 and scala-cli
kojo-lib-0.1.1 fix incorrect came case MultiMap -> Multimap
v5.0 Compendium and quickref ready for print 2020
fix #445, no paramValue in image processing
v5.0-RC1 Compendium and Quickref pre-print 2020
- Updates for Scala 2.13
- Improvements and fixes
v4.0 Compendium print versions complete 2019
Pdf files for print at course start.