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more work on quickref
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bjornregnell committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent 2c16d69 commit 940eee7
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 30 deletions.
61 changes: 31 additions & 30 deletions quickref/quickref.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -253,8 +253,6 @@
package x.y.z
import introprog.Dialog.{file as selectFile}

val greeting = "Hej "

def greet(nbr: Int, names: Seq[String]) =
names.mkString(greeting * nbr, ", ", "\n")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -566,7 +564,7 @@
& \Comment{\textbf{sequence extractor patterns} matches head and tail, also x +: y +: z +: xs etc.} \\

\code+ case p1 | ... | pN => expr +
& \Comment{matches if at least one \textbf{pattern alternative} p1, p2 ... or pN matches} \\
& \Comment{\textbf{alternative pattern}, match if at least one pattern p1, ..., pN match} \\

\code| case x@pattern => expr |
& \Comment{a \textbf{pattern binder} with the @ sign binds a variable to (part of) a pattern} \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1347,7 +1345,18 @@
& String nextLine(); & läser resten av raden
\vspace{1em}TODO \\~\\
\Newline \head{Compiling for specific platforms: JVM, ScalaJS, Scala Native}
\code|scala-cli compile hello.scala --jvm 21| \hfill\Comment{Compile to specific JVM version, here Java JDK 21 LTS} \\[0.5em]
\code|scala-cli compile hello-js.scala --js| \hfill\Comment{Compile to javascript, include in HTML or run via nodejs} \\[0.5em]
\code|scala-cli compile hello-native.scala --native| \hfill\Comment{Compile to a binary using LLVM and gcc} \\[0.5em]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1393,15 +1402,8 @@
\Newline\vspace*{-2.5em}\head{Using dependencies \hfill from Maven central, github}\Newline\vspace*{-0.2em}
\vspace{-0.0em}\head{Using the Scala toolkit \hfill os, munit, ujson, upickle}\Newline
\vspace{1.0em}\head{Using the Scala toolkit \hfill os, munit, ujson, upickle}\Newline
\code{scala-cli run hi.scala --toolkit default} \hfill\Comment{Use stable vers. of Scala toolkit, an extended std libary. }
Expand All @@ -1411,15 +1413,17 @@
\code|os.pwd os.root os.home| \hfill\Comment{Absolute path of type \texttt{os.Path} to working directory, root, and home dir.}\\
\code|os.root/"tmp" os.pwd/"src"| \hfill\Comment{Absolute paths to /tmp dir and src in working dir.}\\
\code|val wd = os.pwd/"myDir"; val p = wd/"myFile.txt" | \hfill\Comment{Absolute paths to dir and file.}\\
\code|p.ext p.segments p.last| \hfill\Comment{Methods on os.Path, returns \code{"txt"}, iterator, last segment.}\\
\code|os.remove.all(wd) os.makeDir(wd)| \hfill\Comment{Remove all files in wd if exists. Create wd if not exists.}\\
\code|p.ext p.segments p.last| \hfill\Comment{Methods on os.Path, returns \code{"txt"}, iterator, last segment.}\\
\code|os.remove.all(wd) os.makeDir(wd)| \hfill\Comment{Remove all files in wd if exists. Create wd if not exists.}\\
\code|os.write(os.pwd/"f.txt", "hi")"f.txt")| \hfill\Comment{Write text to f.txt. Read as String.}\\
\code|os.exists(os.pwd/"f.txt") os.list(os.pwd)| \hfill\Comment{true if exists. List files as Seq.}
\code|os.exists(os.pwd/"f.txt") os.list(os.pwd)| \hfill\Comment{true if exists. List files as Seq.}
\code|os.write.append(os.pwd / "f.txt", "text to append")| \hfill\Comment{Append text at end of existing file.}\\
\code|os.write.over(os.pwd / "f.txt", "replace contents")| \hfill\Comment{Overwrite text to existing file.}\\
\code|os.copy(os.pwd/"f.txt", os.pwd/"cpy.txt", replaceExisting = false)| \hfill\Comment{conditional copy}\\
\code|os.move(os.pwd/"f.txt", os.pwd/"f2.txt", replaceExisting = false)| \hfill\Comment{conditional move}\\[0.5em]
Call OS process in host shell in wd and get output as String. Result is \code|"hihi"| after above examples are evaluated:
\code|os.proc("cat", wd/"f.txt", wd/"cpy.txt").call(cwd = wd).out.text()| \\[0.5em]
Call OS process in host shell in wd and get output as String:
\code|val output = os.proc("cat", wd/"f.txt", wd/"cpy.txt").call(cwd = wd).out.text()| \\[0.5em]
\textbf{Write and run tests with \texttt{munit}}\hfill \Comment{compatible with junit, scala-cli, sbt, metals, vscode etc}\\
In file \texttt{MyTests.test.scala} in a class extending \texttt{munit.FunSuite} as follows:\\
Expand All @@ -1432,12 +1436,12 @@
assert(sum == 4)
\vspace*{-0.1em}\textbf{Parse and serialize JSON with ujson and upickle}\\
\vspace*{-0.1em}\textbf{Read and write JSON with \texttt{ujson} and \texttt{upickle}}\\
val jsonString = """{"name": "Anna", "age": 42, "pets": ["Cat", "Dog"]}"""
val json: ujson.Value =
val s = json("name").str // "Anna"
val so = json("name").strOpt // Some("Anna")
val name = json("name").str // "Anna"
val nameOpt = json("name").strOpt // Some("Anna")
val pets = json("pets").arr // ArrayBuffer("Cat", "Dog")
val petsOpt = json("pets").arrOpt // Some(ArrayBuffer("Cat", "Dog"))
val m: Map[String, Int] = Map("Dog" -> 3, "Cat" -> 5)
Expand All @@ -1452,20 +1456,17 @@
\head{Compiling for specific platforms: JVM, ScalaJS, Scala Native}
\Newline\head{Using dependencies \hfill from Maven central, github}\Newline\vspace*{-0.2em}
\code|scala-cli compile hello.scala --jvm 21| \hfill\Comment{Compile to specific JVM version, here Java JDK 21 LTS} \\[0.5em]
\code|scala-cli compile hello-js.scala --js| \hfill\Comment{Compile to javascript, include in HTML or run via nodejs} \\[0.5em]
\code|scala-cli compile hello-native.scala --native| \hfill\Comment{Compile to a binary using LLVM and gcc} \\[0.5em]
Using library dependency from Maven central, here \code{introprog} for simple graphics, as using-directive in source:\\
\code|//> using dep "se.lth.cs::introprog:1.4.0"| \hfill\Comment{Note: double colon adds Scala version to jar. }\\
Or as argument in terminal:
\code|scala-cli repl --dep "se.lth.cs::introprog:1.4.0"|\\[0.5em]
Using library dependency from Github, one line per dependency, note single colon:\\
\Comment{\texttt{//> using dep "termut:termut:0.1.0,url=}\\\code{releases/download/v0.1.0/termut_3-assembly-0.1.0.jar"}}

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