Gnome-shell extension that tiles windows as you like.
This extension is developed at GitHub If you are reading this documentation anywhere else, it might be out of date.
Gnome extensions must be in the Gnome extentions directory with a subdirectory name
which matches the uuid field of metadata.json
See for details.
Clone the repository to the Gnome extensions folder.
git clone ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/gTile@vibou
Restart Gnome
Alt-F2 Enter a Command: r
To configure gTile open the file extension.js go down to SETTINGS comments and edit this part of the code:
/*new GridSettingsButton(LABEL, NBCOL, NBROW) */
function initSettings()
//Here is where you add new grid size button
gridSettings[SETTINGS_GRID_SIZE] = [
new GridSettingsButton('2x2',2,2),
new GridSettingsButton('4x4',4,4),
new GridSettingsButton('6x6',6,6)
//example for new GridSettingsButton:
myCustomButton = new GridSettingsButton('Custom',8,8); //Going to be a 8x8 GridSettings
//You can change those settings to set whatever you want by default
//Afterward you can change those parameters using the gTile interface
gridSettings[SETTINGS_AUTO_CLOSE] = true;
gridSettings[SETTINGS_ANIMATION] = true;
This extension has been developed by vibou with the help of the gnome-shell community. See network for details.
- Fix an issue on tracking focused window
- Add compatibility with Gnome-Shell 10
- Fix some UI Issues
- UI changes
- Compatibility Gnome Shell 3.6.1
- Compatibility Gnome Shell 3.4.1 + small bug correction
- Add Key binding settings + Compatibility 3.4.1
- Correct small bug on auto tile where monitor height was considered without gnome-panel on primaryMonitor
- AutoTile function : 2 new auto tile features + Replace Animation and auto close text by icons
- Now gTile follows your focus window !! Thanks to Claus Beerta he implements it in a branch.
- I change the implementation so that it works with multi-screen and I also added animations.
Not validated
However he added the keybinding in settings (into the file extension.js) but it s still buggy I think
So I let it for those who wants to try it.
- Correct bug where Desktop can be tile
- 3x2 button added by default
- Add Auto-close once resize
- Add Smooth animation when toggle extension
- New icon
(/!\ auto-close may cause some bugs so let me know if you had any thanks).