description |
Welcome to the Lunch Money developer API! We created this to enable the user and the community to build rich plug-ins to complement their Lunch Money experience. |
{% hint style="danger" %} These docs will no longer be updated and this page will soon redirect to {% endhint %}
The developer API is officially in open public beta. During this time, please continue to heed caution and use this API at your own risk as any and all changes are irreversible.
We welcome feedback via email ( These docs are also on Github, so if you see a mistake or something that could be improved, feel free to open a pull request!
Get your access token by going to this page:****
You’ll be connecting to the URL There are two ways to make a request:
Recommended | with the Authorization header field set to Bearer YOURACCESSTOKEN |
Not recommended | |
{% hint style="info" %} For POST requests, ensure you set Content-Type to application/json {% endhint %}
Great question! We’ve tried to expose the minimum endpoints needed to enable you to build powerful products and extensions.
Here are a few ideas of what you can build:
Does your bank offer an API? You can build a bridge between Lunch Money and your bank to import transactions automatically.
If you have your own spreadsheet or other interface, use the API to sync data for personalized viewing and analytics.
Do you make a lot of Amazon purchases? I’m sure by now you know how frustrating it is to try to identify exactly what the expense is for! Build an Amazon receipt matcher that pulls in your Amazon purchase history and matches on transactions in Lunch Money and updates the notes.
- Note: apparently Amazon’s API doesn’t expose consumer transactions, so to achieve this, you may need to employ another method of getting transaction details (ideas: email forwarder, chrome extension/screen scraper…)
The lack of a Venmo and Plaid integration is frustrating for many of our users and is largely out of our control. Since Venmo sends an email notification every time you send or receive money, build a service that enables users to forward their Venmo notification emails for parsing and insertion into Lunch Money!
Build a simple mobile app that allows quick insertion of transactions into your Lunch Money account or quick reviewing.
Create an integration that automatically updates the value of a real estate property in Lunch Money.