Record video from user browser or device, cross platform (Web, Cordova).
In a Meteor app directory:
meteor add lukemadera:video-capture
{{> lmVideoCapture opts=opts}}
if(Meteor.isClient) {
opts: function() {
var opts ={
// maxTime: 15,
// androidQuality: 0,
// videoDisplay: {
// width: 600,
// height: 460
// },
// classes: {
// recordBtn: 'video-capture-basic-record-btn',
// stopBtn: 'video-capture-basic-stop-btn'
// },
onVideoRecorded: function(err, base64Data) {
return opts;
Then do whatever you want (e.g. save to Amazon S3) with the base64Data
that is returned in the onVideoRecorded