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Region of Interest Mining (RoIs)

Luke Bermingham edited this page Mar 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

TrajSuite supports mining regions of interest (RoIs) from trajectories. The approaches implemented are those from this white paper.

Essentially all selected trajectories have a grid overlaid on them. Each grid cell is incremented for each unique trajectory that visits it. Then, the RoI algorithms expand dense grid cells and find so-called regions of interest.

Given that each RoI has a unique id, TrajSuite can then transform the selected trajectories into a series of RoI visitation sequences, which can be mined by traditional sequential pattern mining algorithms. TrajSuite supports a number of contiguous sequential pattern mining algorithms, mostly based on the following white paper.

A result of RoI/sequential pattern mining from TrajSuite is shown below:

region of interest mining in trajsuite

This can be found by going RoIs >> Mine RoIs

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