Transparent authentication with NTLM.
In your Gemfile add:
gem 'rack-ntlm', :git => 'git://'
Then add rack-ntlm to the middleware chain in config/application.rb (Rails 3)
config.middleware.use "Rack::Ntlm", {
:uri_pattern => /\/login/ # (default = /\//) (any URL)
:host => '<Active Directory hostname>',
:port => 389, # default = 389
:base => 'Base namespace for LDAP search',
:search_filter => '(dn=%1)' # default = (sAMAccountName=%1)
:auth => {
:username => '<username to bind to LDAP>',
:password => '<password to bind to LDAP>'
NTLM is a transparent authentication system developed by Microsoft, it needs that your webserver use keepalive because the handshake consists in 6 steps all with the same connection.
1: C --> S GET ...
2: C <-- S 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
3: C --> S GET ... Authorization: NTLM
4: C <-- S 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: NTLM
5: C --> S GET ... Authorization: NTLM
6: C <-- S 200 Ok