First unzip the two zip files in the target directory. The is for the console application and the for the RESTful API.
To use the console application goto the project directory and type java -cp target/rentalcar-technical-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies
in the console of your choice.
Either run the bash script at /target/universal/com-rentalcars-rest-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/com-rentalcars-rest-api
or use the .bat file at /target/universal/com-rentalcars-rest-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/com-rentalcars-rest-api.bat
The server will attempt to run on port 9000 of the machine (localhost:9000).
Once the localhost is running there are 4 different url's for each of the tasks
- http://localhost:9000/car/sort/price - get's the vehicle list in price order
- http://localhost:9000/car/summary - get's the vehicle list summary
- http://localhost:9000/car/sort/rating - get's the vehicle list in rating and
vehicle type order
- http://localhost:9000/car/sort/score - get's the vehicle list by score order