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test-lib: add s2i build and usage functions (sclorg#96)
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test-lib: add s2i build and usage functions

Implemented through shell scripts so that we do not have to depend on docker
being installed when running s2i tests.

Required-by: postgresql-container#293
  • Loading branch information
pkubatrh authored and praiskup committed Sep 24, 2018
1 parent 9da0f49 commit f76797e
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 0 deletions.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -423,3 +423,81 @@ ct_random_string()
| fold -w "${1-10}" \
| head -n 1

# ct_s2i_usage IMG_NAME [S2I_ARGS]
# ----------------------------
# Create a container and run the usage script inside
# Argument: IMG_NAME - name of the image to be used for the container run
# Argument: S2I_ARGS - Additional list of source-to-image arguments, currently unused.
local img_name=$1; shift
local s2i_args="$*";
local usage_command="/usr/libexec/s2i/usage"
docker run --rm "$img_name" bash -c "$usage_command"

# ct_s2i_build_as_df APP_PATH SRC_IMAGE DST_IMAGE [S2I_ARGS]
# ----------------------------
# Create a new s2i app image from local sources in a similar way as source-to-image would have used.
# Argument: APP_PATH - local path to the app sources to be used in the test
# Argument: SRC_IMAGE - image to be used as a base for the s2i build
# Argument: DST_IMAGE - image name to be used during the tagging of the s2i build result
# Argument: S2I_ARGS - Additional list of source-to-image arguments, currently only used to check for pull-policy=never.
local app_path=$1; shift
local src_image=$1; shift
local dst_image=$1; shift
local s2i_args="$*";
local local_app=upload/src/
local local_scripts=upload/scripts/
local user_id=
local df_name=
local tmpdir=
# Use /tmp to not pollute cwd
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
df_name=$(mktemp -p "$tmpdir" Dockerfile.XXXX)
pushd "$tmpdir"
# Check if the image is available locally and try to pull it if it is not
docker images "$src_image" &>/dev/null || echo "$s2i_args" | grep -q "pull-policy=never" || docker pull "$src_image"
user_id=$(docker inspect -f "{{.ContainerConfig.User}}" "$src_image")
# Strip file:// from APP_PATH and copy its contents into current context
mkdir -p "$local_app"
cp -r "${app_path/file:\/\//}/." "$local_app"
[ -d "$local_app/.s2i/bin/" ] && mv "$local_app/.s2i/bin" "$local_scripts"
# Create a Dockerfile named df_name and fill it with proper content
cat <<EOF >"$df_name"
FROM $src_image
LABEL ""="$src_image" \\
USER root
COPY $local_app /tmp/src
[ -d "$local_scripts" ] && echo "COPY $local_scripts /tmp/scripts" >> "$df_name" &&
echo "RUN chown -R $user_id:0 /tmp/scripts" >>"$df_name"
echo "RUN chown -R $user_id:0 /tmp/src" >>"$df_name"
# Check for custom environment variables
if [ -e "$local_app/.s2i/environment" ]; then
# Remove any comments and add the contents as ENV commands to the Dockerfile
sed '/^\s*#.*$/d' "$local_app/.s2i/environment" | while read -r line; do
echo "ENV $line" >>"$df_name"
echo "USER $user_id" >>"$df_name"
# If exists, run the custom assemble script, else default to /usr/libexec/s2i/assemble
if [ -x "$local_scripts/assemble" ]; then
echo "RUN /tmp/scripts/assemble" >>"$df_name"
echo "RUN /usr/libexec/s2i/assemble" >>"$df_name"
# If exists, set the custom run script as CMD, else default to /usr/libexec/s2i/run
if [ -x "$local_scripts/run" ]; then
echo "CMD /tmp/scripts/run" >>"$df_name"
echo "CMD /usr/libexec/s2i/run" >>"$df_name"
# Run the build and tag the result
docker build -f "$df_name" -t "$dst_image" .

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