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Merge pull request sclorg#91 from hhorak/no-cluster-up-logged
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Allow to run with other than local cluster
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hhorak authored Sep 18, 2018
2 parents 5e2aff3 + 49fccdd commit 10879d7
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Showing 2 changed files with 243 additions and 25 deletions.
266 changes: 242 additions & 24 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ function _ct_os_get_uniq_project_name() {
local r
while true ; do
mkdir /var/tmp/os-test-${r} &>/dev/null && echo test-${r} && break
mkdir /var/tmp/sclorg-test-${r} &>/dev/null && echo sclorg-test-${r} && break
Expand All @@ -234,6 +234,10 @@ function _ct_os_get_uniq_project_name() {
# Expects 'os' command that is properly logged in to the OpenShift cluster.
# Not using mktemp, because we cannot use uppercase characters.
function ct_os_new_project() {
if [ "${CT_SKIP_NEW_PROJECT:-false}" == 'true' ] ; then
echo "Creating project skipped."
local project_name="${1:-$(_ct_os_get_uniq_project_name)}" ; shift || :
oc new-project ${project_name}
# let openshift cluster to sync to avoid some race condition errors
Expand All @@ -245,17 +249,38 @@ function ct_os_new_project() {
# Deletes the specified project in the openshfit
# Arguments: project - project name, uses the current project if omitted
function ct_os_delete_project() {
if [ "${CT_SKIP_NEW_PROJECT:-false}" == 'true' ] ; then
echo "Deleting project skipped, cleaning objects only."
local project_name="${1:-$(oc project -q)}" ; shift || :
oc delete project "${project_name}"
# ct_delete_all_objects
# -----------------
# Deletes all objects within the project.
# Handy when we have one project and want to run more tests.
function ct_delete_all_objects() {
for x in bc builds dc is isimage istag po pv pvc rc routes secrets svc ; do
oc delete $x --all
# for some objects it takes longer to be really deleted, so a dummy sleep
# to avoid some races when other test can see not-yet-deleted objects and can fail
sleep 10
# ct_os_docker_login
# --------------------
# Logs in into docker daemon
# Uses global REGISRTY_ADDRESS environment variable for arbitrary registry address.
# Does not do anything if REGISTRY_ADDRESS is set.
function ct_os_docker_login() {
[ -n "${REGISTRY_ADDRESS:-}" ] && "REGISTRY_ADDRESS set, not trying to docker login." && return 0
# docker login fails with "404 page not found" error sometimes, just try it more times
for i in `seq 12` ; do
docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) && return 0 || :
docker login -u developer -p $(oc whoami -t) ${REGISRTY_ADDRESS:-} && return 0 || :
sleep 5
return 1
Expand All @@ -267,11 +292,12 @@ function ct_os_docker_login() {
# Arguments: image - image name to upload
# Arguments: imagestream - name and tag to use for the internal registry.
# In the format of name:tag ($image_name:latest by default)
# Uses global REGISRTY_ADDRESS environment variable for arbitrary registry address.
function ct_os_upload_image() {
local input_name="${1}" ; shift
local image_name=${input_name##*/}
local imagestream=${1:-$image_name:latest}
local output_name="$(oc project -q)/$imagestream"
local output_name="${REGISRTY_ADDRESS:-}/$(oc project -q)/$imagestream"
docker tag ${input_name} ${output_name}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +325,8 @@ function ct_os_install_in_centos() {
# also can be specified outside by OC_CLUSTER_VERSION
function ct_os_cluster_up() {
ct_os_cluster_running && echo "Cluster already running. Nothing is done." && return 0
ct_os_logged_in && echo "Already logged in to a cluster. Nothing is done." && return 0
mkdir -p /var/tmp/openshift
local dir="${1:-$(mktemp -d /var/tmp/openshift/os-data-XXXXXX)}" ; shift || :
local is_public="${1:-'false'}" ; shift || :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,6 +387,13 @@ function ct_os_cluster_running() {
oc cluster status &>/dev/null
# ct_os_logged_in
# ---------------
# Returns 0 if logged in to a cluster (remote or local)
function ct_os_logged_in() {
oc whoami >/dev/null
# ct_os_set_path_oc OC_VERSION
# --------------------
# This is a trick that helps using correct version of the `oc`:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,9 +495,10 @@ function ct_os_test_s2i_app_func() {
local context_dir=${3}
local check_command=${4}
local oc_args=${5:-}
local import_image=${6:-}
local image_name_no_namespace=${image_name##*/}
local service_name="${image_name_no_namespace}-testing"
local image_tagged="${image_name_no_namespace}:testing"
local image_tagged="${image_name_no_namespace}:${VERSION}"
if [ $# -lt 4 ] || [ -z "${1}" -o -z "${2}" -o -z "${3}" -o -z "${4}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: ct_os_test_s2i_app_func() requires at least 4 arguments that cannot be emtpy." >&2
Expand All @@ -471,7 +507,19 @@ function ct_os_test_s2i_app_func() {
# Create a specific imagestream tag for the image so that oc cannot use anything else
ct_os_upload_image "${image_name}" "${image_tagged}"
if [ "${CT_SKIP_UPLOAD_IMAGE:-false}" == 'true' ] ; then
if [ -n "${import_image}" ] ; then
echo "Importing image ${import_image} as ${image_name}:${VERSION}"
oc import-image ${image_name}:${VERSION} --from ${import_image} --confirm
echo "Uploading and importing image skipped."
if [ -n "${import_image}" ] ; then
echo "Warning: Import image ${import_image} requested, but uploading image ${image_name} instead."
ct_os_upload_image "${image_name}" "${image_tagged}"
local app_param="${app}"
if [ -d "${app}" ] ; then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,6 +581,7 @@ function ct_os_test_s2i_app() {
local protocol=${6:-http}
local response_code=${7:-200}
local oc_args=${8:-}
local import_image=${9:-}
if [ $# -lt 4 ] || [ -z "${1}" -o -z "${2}" -o -z "${3}" -o -z "${4}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: ct_os_test_s2i_app() requires at least 4 arguments that cannot be emtpy." >&2
Expand All @@ -542,8 +591,8 @@ function ct_os_test_s2i_app() {
ct_os_test_s2i_app_func "${image_name}" \
"${app}" \
"${context_dir}" \
"ct_test_response '${protocol}://<IP>:${port}' '${response_code}' '${expected_output}'" \
"ct_os_test_response_internal '${protocol}://<IP>:${port}' '${response_code}' '${expected_output}'" \
"${oc_args}" "${import_image}"
# ct_os_test_template_app_func IMAGE APP IMAGE_IN_TEMPLATE CHECK_CMD [OC_ARGS]
Expand All @@ -569,6 +618,7 @@ function ct_os_test_template_app_func() {
local check_command=${4}
local oc_args=${5:-}
local other_images=${6:-}
local import_image=${7:-}
if [ $# -lt 4 ] || [ -z "${1}" -o -z "${2}" -o -z "${3}" -o -z "${4}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: ct_os_test_template_app_func() requires at least 4 arguments that cannot be emtpy." >&2
Expand All @@ -579,27 +629,39 @@ function ct_os_test_template_app_func() {
local image_tagged="${name_in_template}:${VERSION}"
# Create a specific imagestream tag for the image so that oc cannot use anything else
ct_os_upload_image "${image_name}" "${image_tagged}"
# upload also other images, that template might need (list of pairs in the format <image>|<tag>
local images_tags_a
local i_t
for i_t in ${other_images} ; do
echo "${i_t}"
IFS='|' read -ra image_tag_a <<< "${i_t}"
docker pull "${image_tag_a[0]}"
ct_os_upload_image "${image_tag_a[0]}" "${image_tag_a[1]}"
if [ "${CT_SKIP_UPLOAD_IMAGE:-false}" == 'true' ] ; then
if [ -n "${import_image}" ] ; then
echo "Importing image ${import_image} as ${image_name}:${VERSION}"
oc import-image ${image_name}:${VERSION} --from ${import_image} --confirm
echo "Uploading and importing image skipped."
if [ -n "${import_image}" ] ; then
echo "Warning: Import image ${import_image} requested, but uploading image ${image_name} instead."
ct_os_upload_image "${image_name}" "${image_tagged}"
# upload also other images, that template might need (list of pairs in the format <image>|<tag>
local images_tags_a
local i_t
for i_t in ${other_images} ; do
echo "${i_t}"
IFS='|' read -ra image_tag_a <<< "${i_t}"
docker pull "${image_tag_a[0]}"
ct_os_upload_image "${image_tag_a[0]}" "${image_tag_a[1]}"
local local_template=$(ct_obtain_input "${template}")
local namespace=${CT_NAMESPACE:-$(oc project -q)}
oc new-app ${local_template} \
-p NAME="${service_name}" \
-p NAMESPACE="$(oc project -q)" \
--name "${name_in_template}" \
-p NAMESPACE="${namespace}" \
oc start-build "${service_name}"
ct_os_wait_pod_ready "${service_name}" 300
local ip=$(ct_os_get_service_ip "${service_name}")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -647,6 +709,7 @@ function ct_os_test_template_app() {
local response_code=${7:-200}
local oc_args=${8:-}
local other_images=${9:-}
local import_image=${10:-}
if [ $# -lt 4 ] || [ -z "${1}" -o -z "${2}" -o -z "${3}" -o -z "${4}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: ct_os_test_template_app() requires at least 4 arguments that cannot be emtpy." >&2
Expand All @@ -656,9 +719,10 @@ function ct_os_test_template_app() {
ct_os_test_template_app_func "${image_name}" \
"${template}" \
"${name_in_template}" \
"ct_test_response '${protocol}://<IP>:${port}' '${response_code}' '${expected_output}'" \
"ct_os_test_response_internal '${protocol}://<IP>:${port}' '${response_code}' '${expected_output}'" \
"${oc_args}" \
"${other_images}" \
# ct_os_test_image_update IMAGE IS CHECK_CMD OC_ARGS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -705,3 +769,157 @@ ct_os_test_image_update() {
# ct_os_deploy_cmd_image IMAGE_NAME
# --------------------
# Runs a special command pod, a pod that does nothing, but includes utilities for testing.
# A typical usage is a mysql pod that includes mysql commandline, that we need for testing.
# Running commands inside this command pod is done via ct_os_cmd_image_run function.
# The pod is not run again if already running.
# Arguments: image_name - image to be used as a command pod
function ct_os_deploy_cmd_image() {
local image_name=${1}
oc get pod command-app &>/dev/null && echo "command POD already running" && return 0
echo "command POD not running yet, will start one called command-app"
oc create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: command-app
- name: command-container
image: "${image_name}"
command: ["sleep"]
args: ["3h"]
restartPolicy: OnFailure
echo -n "Waiting for command POD ."
while [ $SECONDS -lt 60 ] ; do
sout="$(ct_os_cmd_image_run 'echo $((11*11))')"
grep -q '^121$' <<< "$sout" && echo "DONE" && return 0 || :
sleep 3
echo -n "."
echo "FAIL"
return 1

# ct_os_cmd_image_run CMD [ ARG ... ]
# --------------------
# Runs a command CMD inside a special command pod
# Arguments: cmd - shell command with args to run in a pod
function ct_os_cmd_image_run() {
oc exec command-app -- bash -c "$@"

# ct_os_test_response_internal
# ----------------
# Perform GET request to the application container, checks output with
# a reg-exp and HTTP response code.
# That all is done inside an image in the cluster, so the function is used
# typically in clusters that are not accessible outside.
# The interanal image is a python image that should include the most of the useful commands.
# The check is repeated until timeout.
# Argument: url - request URL path
# Argument: expected_code - expected HTTP response code
# Argument: body_regexp - PCRE regular expression that must match the response body
# Argument: max_attempts - Optional number of attempts (default: 20), three seconds sleep between
# Argument: ignore_error_attempts - Optional number of attempts when we ignore error output (default: 10)
ct_os_test_response_internal() {
local url="$1"
local expected_code="$2"
local body_regexp="$3"
local max_attempts=${4:-20}
local ignore_error_attempts=${5:-10}

: " Testing the HTTP(S) response for <${url}>"
local sleep_time=3
local attempt=1
local result=1
local status
local response_code
local response_file=$(mktemp /tmp/ct_test_response_XXXXXX)
local util_image_name=''

ct_os_deploy_cmd_image "${util_image_name}"

while [ ${attempt} -le ${max_attempts} ]; do
ct_os_cmd_image_run "curl --connect-timeout 10 -s -w '%{http_code}' '${url}'" >${response_file} && status=0 || status=1
if [ ${status} -eq 0 ]; then
response_code=$(cat ${response_file} | tail -c 3)
if [ "${response_code}" -eq "${expected_code}" ]; then
cat ${response_file} | grep -qP -e "${body_regexp}" || result=1;
# Some services return 40x code until they are ready, so let's give them
# some chance and not end with failure right away
# Do not wait if we already have expected outcome though
if [ ${result} -eq 0 -o ${attempt} -gt ${ignore_error_attempts} -o ${attempt} -eq ${max_attempts} ] ; then
attempt=$(( ${attempt} + 1 ))
sleep ${sleep_time}
rm -f ${response_file}
return ${result}

# ct_os_get_image_from_pod
# ------------------------
# Print image identifier from an existing pod to stdout
# Argument: pod_prefix - prefix or full name of the pod to get image from
ct_os_get_image_from_pod() {
local pod_prefix=$1 ; shift
local pod_name=$(ct_os_get_pod_name $pod_prefix)
oc get "po/${pod_name}" -o yaml | sed -ne 's/^\s*image:\s*\(.*\)\s*$/\1/ p' | head -1

# ct_os_check_cmd_internal
# ----------------
# Runs a specified command, checks exit code and compares the output with expected regexp.
# That all is done inside an image in the cluster, so the function is used
# typically in clusters that are not accessible outside.
# The check is repeated until timeout.
# Argument: util_image_name - name of the image in the cluster that is used for running the cmd
# Argument: service_name - kubernetes' service name to work with (IP address is taken from this one)
# Argument: check_command - command that is run within the util_image_name container
# Argument: expected_content_match - regexp that must be in the output (use .* to ignore check)
# Argument: timeout - number of seconds to wait till the check succeeds
function ct_os_check_cmd_internal() {
local util_image_name=$1 ; shift
local service_name=$1 ; shift
local check_command=$1 ; shift
local expected_content_match=${1:-.*} ; shift
local timeout=${1:-60} ; shift || :

: " Service ${service_name} check ..."

local output
local ret
local ip=$(ct_os_get_service_ip "${service_name}")
local check_command_exp=$(echo "$check_command" | sed -e "s/<IP>/$ip/g")

ct_os_deploy_cmd_image $(ct_os_get_image_from_pod "${util_image_name}" | head -n 1)

echo -n "Waiting for ${service_name} service becoming ready ..."
while true ; do
output=$(ct_os_cmd_image_run "$check_command_exp")
echo "${output}" | grep -qe "${expected_content_match}" || ret=1
if [ ${ret} -eq 0 ] ; then
echo " PASS"
return 0
echo -n "."
[ ${SECONDS} -gt ${timeout} ] && break
sleep 3
echo " FAIL"
return 1

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ function ct_obtain_input() {

local output=$(mktemp "/var/tmp/test-input-XXXXXX$extension")
if [ -f "${input}" ] ; then
cp "${input}" "${output}"
cp -f "${input}" "${output}"
elif [ -d "${input}" ] ; then
rm -f "${output}"
cp -r -LH "${input}" "${output}"
Expand Down

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