The CMPaaS Project is an open-source project that allows the development of intelligent applications applied to Conceptual Maps.
- Users
- Import Concept Maps from CMapTools file.
This project uses the following technologies:
- NodeJS - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
- MongoDB - a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program.
- Swagger - an open source software framework backed by a large ecosystem of tools that helps developers design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services.
Important: This project requires NodeJs and MongoDB to run. So be sure that you have both installed and one instance of mongodb running. Important 2: You have to create a 'secrets.json' file in the 'config' folder. This file should contain the followin structure:
{"key": "bcrypt_salt", "value": <ENTER_A_INTERGER_VALUE_HERE>}
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd CMPaaS
$ npm install
$ node server.js
If all goes well, you'll see the following message on the console:
Server running at port 3000
after running, navigate through the browser to the URL "" to see all API's documentation.
- Implement other services
Free Software, Hell Yeah!