Flutter: >=3.0.0 Dart SDK: >=2.17.0
Android | iOS | Web | Windows | MacOS | Linux |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
- Add Flutter to your machine
- Open this project folder with Terminal/CMD
- Ensure there's no cache/build leftover by running
flutter clean
in the Terminal - Run in the Terminal
flutter packages get
- Run in the Terminal
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- Open ios folder inside Terminal/CMD
- Run in the Terminal
pod install
- Run in the Terminal
pod update
- Open Android Emulator or iOS Simulator
- Run
flutter run --flavor {RELEASE_TYPE} --dart-define flavor={RELEASE_TYPE}
- Supported release type:
, andproduction
- Run
flutter build apk --flavor {RELEASE_TYPE}
- The apk will be saved under this location:
- We can also build appbundle (.aab) by running this command:
flutter build appbundle --flavor {RELEASE_TYPE} --dart-define flavor={RELEASE_TYPE}
- Follow the tutorial from this link: https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/ios#create-a-build-archive-with-xcode
- Don't forget to add the release type behind the build command
- For example
flutter build ipa --flavor {RELEASE_TYPE} --dart-define flavor={RELEASE_TYPE}
For more information, check out the official documentation