Final Project was about detecting wear and tear on roads, where we trained an object detector to perform road damage detection.
We were given two different datasets. One was a public road damage detection dataset [Maeda et al., 2018] that covered roads from all around the world. Another dataset was videos recorded of Norwegian roads. These videoes were to be annotated by the student of this course.
Our final solution is presented in Final_Presentation.pdf.
✅ Assignment 1 - 7.92/8
✅ Assignment 2 - 7.66/8
✅ Assignment 3 - 7.92/8
✅ Assignment 4 - 8/8
✅ Final Project - 28/28
✅ Final Presentation - 21.67/22
✅ Educational Video - 17/18
[Maeda et al., 2018] Maeda, H., Sekimoto, Y., Seto, T., Kashiyama, T., and Omata, H. (2018). Road damage detection and classification using deep neural networks with smartphone images. ComputerAided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33(12):1127–1141.