This repository is the bottom-up implementation of panorama images. Panorama image, known as image stitching technology, transforms multiple images into one image perspective. For example, One result image consist of the below images(1.jpg ~ 10.jpg).
1.jpg | 2.jpg | 3.jpg | 4.jpg | 5.jpg | 6.jpg | 7.jpg | 8.jpg | 9.jpg | 10.jpg |
- This is the final project of the computer vision lecture 2023 fall semester.
- You can see the detailed procedure in
in Korean.
- opencv
- eigen
- ubuntu22.04
sudo apt install build-essential libopencv-dev libeigen3-dev
- make a build directory
mkdir build
- build the code
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
- execute
unlimt -s unlimited # this command is mendatory to prevent stack-overflow error
Homograpy transform, a.k.a. perspective transform, transforms a perspective from domain image to target image. Homography transform only works in two certain conditions. The first assumption is that the image's feature comes from a flat plane. The second assumption is that the movement of the image should be pure rotation. In other words, they should not be translated.
It cover
- RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus)
- Stitching algorithm
- Tranform the image
- ORB feature implementation (TBD)
It doesn't cover (use opencv library)
- image decode module