$ yarn add react-native-vivox
$ react-native link react-native-vivox
- Unzip
(download) inandroid
- Add the following code in
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs "../aar"
dependencies {
// ...
debugImplementation(name: 'sdk-debug', ext: 'aar')
releaseImplementation(name: 'sdk-release', ext: 'aar')
- Add the following code in
import com.vivox.sdk.JniHelpers; // <-- this line
// ...
public void onCreate() {
JniHelpers.init(getApplicationContext(), null, new String[]{"mvc"}); // <-- this line
- Add (link)
) into Frameworks - Add (link)
(download) into Frameworks - Add the following to your App's
<string>Need microphone access to communicate with other players</string>
This example will connect your app to your Vivox server and join the test123
voice channel. Make sure you requested microphone permission before!
import React from 'react';
import * as Vivox from 'react-native-vivox';
class App extends React.Component {
async componentDidMount(): void {
await Vivox.connect("https://vdx5.www.vivox.com/api2/", "issuer", "vdx5.vivox.com");
await Vivox.login("userId", "loginToken");
await Vivox.joinChannel("test123", "joinToken");
render() {
return null;
export default App;
Example app: https://github.com/lucienbl/react-native-vivox-demo
Vivox.connect("server", "issuer", "realm"); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.login("userId", "loginToken"); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.joinChannel("channelId", "joinToken"); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.leaveChannel(); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.disconnect(); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.getState(); // returns Promise<number>
Vivox.getStateName(); // returns Promise<string>
Vivox.muteMyself(true); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.isMuted(); // returns Promise<boolean>
Vivox.getSpeakingParticipants(); // returns Promise<Object>
Vivox.setParticipantMutedForMe("targetUserId", true); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.setAudioOutputDeviceMuted(true); // returns Promise<>
Vivox.setParticipantAudioOutputDeviceVolumeForMe("targetUserId", 50); // returns Promise<>