This is a project for an undergraduate curse - Hardware and Software Infrastructure - where we use an FPGA prototyping board to develop something of interest to the team. We decided to work with music using an arduino and an RFID sensor to play with the notes of a guitar and a drums
Open the terminal and look for the folder /Driver. When entering it through the terminal, execute the commands:
sudo insmod altera_driver.ko
sudo mknod /dev/de2i150_altera c 91 1
With this commands, you are installing and running your own custom drive file. This driver maps the board's inputs and outputs to specific memory locations and takes care of the routines required for driver open, close, write, and read operations.
Now go to the /App folder also from the terminal and run the following commands:
gcc -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2 -lSDL2_mixer -fopenmp -lm app.c -o app
sudo ./app
With these commands you can execute a given program that you will be able to access through the read and write system operations.