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uv-demo PyPI package

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A demo and template for a modern Python package managed by uv. Very useless as a package.

Use this as a template for new projects, or as a reference for how to set up a Python project with the following:

  • uv as the Python package manager.
  • tox for testing the three latest Python versions.
  • pre-commit hooks for code formatting and linting.
  • GitHub Actions for testing and publishing.
  • gh-act for running GitHub Actions locally.
  • Makefile with common targets.
  • Documentation with pdoc + GitHub Pages.
  • Deptry to highlight missing and unused dependencies.

System Dependencies

  • uv
    • curl -LsSf | sh
  • make
    • sudo apt install make
    • sudo pacman -S make
  • For running GitHub Actions locally
    • Docker
    • gh (GitHub CLI)
      • sudo pacman -S github-cli
      • Others
    • gh-act
      • gh extension install nektos/gh-act

Quick start

This will install all dependencies (uv sync) and run the entrypoint script:

uv run uv-demo

Make targets

# equivalent to make install test

make install
# runs uv sync

make test
# runs tests for supported python versions

make serve-coverage
# serves coverage report on localhost:8000

make gact
# runs GitHub Actions locally with gh-act
# >>> WARNING: if the secrets file has a valid API key,
#   this target will actually publish the package to PyPI.
# Install with:     gh extension install nektos/gh-act
# or see  

make clean
# removes all venv, tox, cache, and generated files

make update
# updates uv and pre-commit hooks

make publish
# publishes the package to PyPI
# >>> WARNING: if the secrets file has a valid API key,
#   this target will actually publish the package to PyPI.

Integration with GitHub Actions

See the Upload Python Package workflow file for this package.

Running actions locally

You can use act to run GitHub Actions locally. Use cases:

  1. While writing a workflow, to test the workflow locally before pushing to the repository.
  2. Run the publishing workflow without setting secrets on GitHub.
  3. Before opening a pull request, to check the workflow will pass.

Copy the example secrets file and edit it with the required secrets:

cp config/secrets.env.example config/secrets.env

Then run make gact to run the GitHub Actions workflow locally.