LOCAL CGI Script for Rest Services: Postgres to JSON
Basic Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS Workspace (Blank)
PostgreSQL 9.3.18
Python 2.7.6
Please check that *.py files are executable and check if you already have python 2.7x + psycopg2 module installed.
Set file permnissions
sudo chmod a+x rest.py
sudo chmod a+x server.py
sudo chmod a+x rest_doc.py
Set DB connection in rest.py
07# DBNAME = 'foss4g'
08# HOST = 'localhost'
09# USER = 'user'
10# PASSWORD = 'user'
Go to the folder (/media/user/usbdata/foss4g/scripts/rest) and start the CGI Script for Local Rest Service Server (set PORT in server.py)
python server.py
Create a function in the postgres DB using PGAdmin
-- DROP FUNCTION public.get_pa_lc_1995_2015(integer);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_pa_lc_1995_2015(IN wdpaid integer)
wdpaid integer,
name text,
_1995_nat double precision,
_2015_nat double precision,
_1995_man double precision,
_2015_man double precision,
_1995_cul double precision,
_2015_cul double precision,
_1995_wat double precision,
_2015_wat double precision
from public.pa_lc_1995_2015 WHERE wdpaid=$1
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
ALTER FUNCTION public.get_pa_lc_1995_2015(integer)
OWNER TO "user";
Test the JSON response:
eg call a function that list the protected area with id = 916
curl "http://localhost:8888/rest.py?type=fun&schema=public&obj=get_pa_lc_1995_2015¶ms=(wdpaid:917)"
that will print
wdpaid "917"
name "Ruaha National Park"
_1995_wat "0.00"
_2015_man "171.82"
_1995_nat "13626.90"
_1995_man "619.73"
_1995_cul "261.55"
_2015_nat "14075.46"
_2015_cul "260.89"
_2015_wat "0.00"
Go back to the Application tutorial and download the reopository
url - parameters:
- type = tab (or) fun //tab to call tables or views, fun to call functions
- schema = schema_name // eg.public default postgres schema
- obj = table_name (or) view_name (or) function_name
- params = (param1:'val1', param2:'val2', ... paramN:'valN') //Optional definition of function parameters
note: parameters values are not quoted so you have to use single quote in the call right now; will add the quoting
directly in the function calling postgres functions.