Releases: lu-cs-sde/IntraJSCAM2021
This repository contains the artifact for the following paper:
- A Precise Framework for Source-Level Control-Flow Analysis, Idriss Riouak 🔗, Christoph Reichenbach 🔗, Görel Hedin 🔗 and Niklas Fors 🔗. To appear at the 21st IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation, 2021 (SCAM 2021 🔗).
The repository contains:
- A snapshot of IntraCFG (192c02c), i.e., a language-independent framework for building control-flow graphs (CFGs) using reference attribute grammars, as described in section 2 in the paper.
- A snapshot of IntraJ (479e927), i.e., a tool that applies IntraCFG to construct control-flow graphs (CFGs) for Java source programs, as described in section 3 in the paper. IntraJ is built as an extension to the ExtendJ Java compiler, which is in turn implemented using JastAdd (a metacompiler supporting reference attribute grammars).
- In addition to CFG construction, IntraJ contains two example client analyses that make use of the CFG, as described in section 4 in the paper: DAA - detection of Dead Assignments in the codebase, and NPA - detection of occurrences of Null Pointer exceptions.
- Test cases and evaluation scripts are also included. Using this artifact you can rerun the experiments presented in section 5 in the paper. This includes running IntraJ on a suite of subject codebases, and running competing tools (JastAddJ-Intraflow and SonarQube) on the same codebases.
You can reuse this artifact in various ways. For example:
- You can run IntraJ on other Java codebases (in Java-4, Java-5, Java-6, and Java-7) in order to construct CFGs and get DAA and NPA analysis results. More can be read about reusability here.
Get the IntraJ artifact
We provide three different ways of getting and running IntraJ:
- You can download the pre-built Docker image (recommended).
- Build your own Docker image using the Dockerfile script.
- Download and build IntraJ from the artifact source code.
We provide a Docker image that contains IntraJ and evaluation scripts, packaged together with all the necessary dependencies.
To run such an image, make sure to install the relevant tools:
For Windows and OS X systems, follow the guidelines on the Docker desktop download site
On Linux-based systems, install the docker command-line tool. This tool may be provided by the and/or docker-ce packages. If your distribution does not provide these packages, follow the steps here:
Download pre-built Docker image
Download the pre-built image here.
Then, anywhere in your workspace run
docker load << Downloads/intraj_scam21.tar.gz
Build your own Docker image
Clone the IntraJSCAM2021 repository by running the following command:
git clone
Once you have cloned the repository
cd IntraJSCAM2021/Docker
docker build -t intraj:scam21 .
It might take several minutes to build the Docker image. |
Run the image
Run the image using:
docker run -it --network="host" --expose 9000 --expose 9001 --memory="10g" --memory-swap="16g" intraj:scam21
❗️ Very Important ❗️ |
SonarQube requires a high amount of memory. We tested the container with 10GByte of memory and 10GByte of swap memory. If you are running the container from Windows or Mac, the command-line options related to the available memory in the container (i.e., --memory="10g" , --memory-swap="4g" ) are ignored. Please, set these two parameters from the GUI. Read more about it here: Windows - Mac |
You will be logged in with the user SCAM21. Once logged in, run the following commands to launch the evaluation:
cd workspace/intraj/
./ 50 50
The results are saved in: ~/workspace/intraj/evaluation/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
The command 50 50 will run IntraJ 2500 times for each analysis. Therefore, computing the evaluation can take several hours. |
❗️ Very Important ❗️ |
Do not close the bash nor kill the container! The results will be lost! |
Saving the results
To save the results in your own machine, run the following commands in a new bash:
> docker ps
This will print:
4d882c86b5ab intraj:scam21 "bash" x Up x seconds random_name
With your CONTAINER ID run the following command:
docker cp 4d882c86b5ab:workspace/intraj/evaluation/YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS /PATH/IN/YOUR/MACHINE
Build IntraJ from the source code
We have run IntraJ on the following Java version:
- Java SDK version 7. (tested with SDK 7.0.292-zulu. See sdkman).
If you also want to run the competing tool SonarQube (for checking the evaluation section), you will additionally need the following Java version:
- Java SDK version 11 (tested with SDK 11.0.9.fx-zulu. See sdkman).
It is possible to generate PDFs that show the CFGs visually. For this you need:
- Dot (graphiz) - PDF generation
- Vim - PDF generation
- Python3.x with the following dependencies:
- PyPDF2 v1.26.0 - PDF generation
- numpy v1.20.1 - Evaluation and Plots generation
- pandas v1.2.4 - Evaluation and Plots generation
- matplotlib v3.3.4 - Evaluation and Plots generation
- seaborn v0.11.1 - Evaluation and Plots generation
- ipython v7.26.0 - Evaluation and Plots generation
The evaluation script uses sdkman
To run the evaluation you need:
The scripts
. If you don't havesdkman
installed but have Java SDK 7 installed, you can comment all the lines starting withsdk
and inevaluation/
. You installsdkman
by running the following commands:curl -s "" | bash source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/" sdk install java 7.0.292-zulu sdk use java 7.0.292-zulu
To install all the necessary Python dependencies, you can run the instruction described in the next section.
To clone the IntraJ code, run, in your working directory:
git clone
Move to the IntraJ directory:
cd IntraJSCAM2021
To generate all the JARs necessary for the evaluation, execute
./gradlew build
To run all the tests, execute:
./gradlew test
Python Dependencies
To install Python dependencies, you can execute the following instruction:
cd resources
pip3 install - requirements.txt
Repository overview
The top-level structure of the repository:
├── build # Compiled files
├── evaluation # Scripts and dependencies for evaluation
├── extendj # ExtendJ source code
├── resources # Scripts and logo
├── src # IntraJ source code
| ├── jastadd
| | ├── CFG # CFG spec in Jastadd
| | └── DataFlow # Data flow analyses spec
| └── java
| ├── utils # General helpers for visualisation
| └── test # JUnit test spec
├── tools # IntraJ source code
| └── jastadd-2.3.6-custom # Custom version of Jastadd
├── testfiles # Automated test files
| ├── DataFlow
| └── CFG
├── # Evaluation entry point
The entry point of IntraJ (main) is defined in:
The evaluation folder
The directory is structured as follow:
├── antlr-2.7.2 # ANTLR Benchmark (Paper §5)
├── pmd-4.2.5 # PMD Benchmark (Paper §5)
├── jfreechar-1.0.0 # JFC Benchmark (Paper §5)
├── fop-0.95 # FOP Benchmark ...