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lsrdg edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the tatoeba-karini wiki!



Issues, bugs, contributions

If you have any problem while using Tatoeba-karini, please:

  • do not bother the Tatoeba's team. They are already doing an amazing job out there. (:
  • And create an issue here. Any feedback is a good feedback. (:
  • being the only user, I have no idea how it behaves over there, let me know if you don't mind.

The project is being maintained on Github:

However, there is a mirror of it on Gitlab:

The repository on Gitlab is to anyone who doesn't want to bother with Github to have an alternative to report issue. Keep mind that (at least for now) everything will be redirected to Github.

For more information on how to contribute, please take a look at:


All the creative content (e.g. sentences.csv file) are licensed by under CC-BY 2.0. For more information on the Tatoeba project, please head to .

Tatoeba-karini is licensed under GNU AGPLv3.

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