This software accompanies the article [1] and is provided as part of the article KSDSLD - A Tool for Keystroke Dynamics Synthesis & Liveness Detection, to be published in Software Impacts, Elsevier. The dataset [2] was generated using this tool. The methods employed by this tool are based on those of [3].
With the objective of encouraging research about liveness detection in keystroke dynamics and making available our methods so other verification systems can be evaluated against them, we provide software and its source code that includes the following functionality:
- Forges synthesized samples of free-text keystroke dynamics, given their target texts and one or more authentic samples by the legitimate user to be impersonated.
- Trains classification models to distinguish human-written samples from synthetic forgeries, given a collection of samples from the legitimate user.
- Performs liveness detection with the above models, given a collection of samples of unknown origin to be verified and flagged as human-written or synthesized.
The tool is provided as a pre-compiled command line utility together with its source code, but the executable can be imported as a library assembly if required. The source code was written in C# and requires Visual Studio 2022 to be compiled; free Community versions should be sufficient for the task. .NET Framework 4.8 SDK is needed at compile time and .NET Framework 4.8 at runtime. WEKA 3.8.2 is required at run time for the liveness detection functionality.
No Windows- or Microsoft-specific features in the execution environment are required by the software, and in principle it should be possible to compile and make it run using alternative implementations of the .NET Framework, like Mono. However, no explicit effort has been made to enforce extended compatibility or portability.
Input and output take the form of CSV files. Each input sample is represented by CSV file with a fixed three-column structure including virtual key code, hold time, and flight time for each keystroke, as shown below. Invalid or unknown timing values are represented with negative numbers. Samples by each user are grouped by folders.
- VK. Virtual key code. Virtual key code identifying the current keystroke, as defined by Microsoft reference
- HT. Hold time. Interval between key press and key release event, in milliseconds.
- FT. Flight time. Flight time & Interval between the previous key press event and this key press event, in milliseconds. Note that the first keystroke in the sample cannot have a valid flight time, because there is no previous key press event.
Sample synthesis requires as input the name of the synthesis method to employ, a set of human-written samples by the legitimate user, and a set of samples to provide the target text which keystroke dynamics will be synthesized. The output is a set of synthesized samples, in the aforementioned CSV format, sharing the target texts of the latter. For details about the synthesis methods, please refer to [1].
The command line syntax for sample synthesis is
KSDSLD {legitimateUserSamplesFolder} {targetTextSamplesFolder} SYNTHESIZE {method}
where the required parameters are
- legitimateUserSamplesFolder. Folder where the human-written samples of the legitimate user are located. The samples must abide to the CSV format described in the previous section. All samples in the folder are used as input to the behavioral model for sample synthesis.
- targetTextSamplesFolder. Folder where the samples with target text are located. The samples must abide to the CSV format described in the previous section, but their timing information is ignored and only the virtual key sequence is considered. The synthesized output samples are also stored here.
- method. Method used to synthesize the output samples.
The supported synthesis methods are
The file names of the output samples will have the form ORIGINAL-SYNTHESIZED-METHOD.csv, where the fields denote
- ORIGINAL. File name of the original sample with target text, excluding extension.
- METHOD. Method used to synthesize the output sample.
Liveness detection requires as input a set of human-written samples by the legitimate user and a set of samples to be verified. The output is a single CSV file enumerating the verdict for each of the latter, whether it is classified as human-written (legitimate) or synthesized (impostor).
The command line syntax for sample synthesis is
KSDSLD {legitimateUserSamplesFolder} {toBeVerifiedSamplesFolder} VERIFY
where the required parameters are
- legitimateUserSamplesFolder. Folder where the human-written samples of the legitimate user are located. The samples must abide to the CSV format described in the previous section. All samples in the folder are used as input to the behavioral model for liveness detection.
- toBeVerifiedSamplesFolder. Folder where the samples to be verified are located. The samples must abide to the CSV format described in the previous section.
The output file will be named RESULTS.csv and will be created on the current working folder. It will have two columns, and one row for each sample in the toBeVerifiedSamplesFolder. The columns are
- sample. File name of the sample that was verified.
- verdict. Verdict of the classification. legitimate for samples detected as human-written and impostor for samples detected as synthesized.
The precompiled binary files can be found under the KSD-SLD/bin/Debug folder. The executable name is KSD-SLD.exe.
Before attempting liveness detection, the path to the WEKA 3.8.2 executable needs to be updated in the configuration file KSD-SLD.exe.config. There, the following keys must be located
<add key="" value="C:\Program Files\Weka-3-8-6\jre\zulu17.32.13-ca-fx-jre17.0.2-win_x64\bin\javaw.exe" />
<add key="path.weka" value="C:\Program Files\Weka-3-8-6\" />
and the value attribute updated with the corresponding installation folder of WEKA 3.8.2 and the executable file name for the Java runtime embedded in its distribution.
The folder example-dataset contains an extract of dataset [2] for testing purposes, with human-written samples from one user under the subfolder 2078-HumanWritten, and a copy of the same samples under 2078-Target. Synthetic samples using the HISTOGRAM method and the same keystroke sequences as the human written sample can be generated with the following command:
KSDSLD _PATH_/example-dataset/2078-HumanWritten _PATH_/example-dataset/2078-Target SYNTHESIZE HISTOGRAM
where PATH is the path to the repository root folder in the computer where the software is being run. The synthetic samples will be written down to PATH/example-dataset/2078-Target. For example, the human-written sample
will have a corresponding synthesized sample of name
after the execution of the command. We can now let the software build a classification model of the legitimate user and detect which of the samples are human-written and which are synthesized, with the command
KSDSLD _PATH_/example-dataset/2078-HumanWritten _PATH_/example-dataset/2078-Target VERIFY
The results will be written to the file RESULTS.csv.
[1] Nahuel González, Enrique P. Calot, Jorge S. Ierache, and Waldo Hasperué. Towards liveness detection in keystroke dynamics: Revealing synthetic forgeries. Systems and Soft Computing, 4:200037, 2022. ISSN 2772-9419. doi: URL
[2] Nahuel González and Enrique P. Calot. Dataset of human-written and synthesized samples of free-text keystroke dynamics to evaluate liveness detection methods. Data in Brief, 2022. Under review.
[3] Nahuel González and Enrique P. Calot. Finite context modeling of keystroke dynamics in free text. In 2015 International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), pages 1–5, 2015. ISBN 978-3-8857-9639-8. doi: 10.1109/BIOSIG.2015.7314606.