A Clojure HTTP library similar to clj-http, but more lightweight. Compatible with GraalVM.
This is a clj-commons maintained fork of the original
Installation | Usage | Known Issues | Design | Development
is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars:
[org.clj-commons/clj-http-lite "0.4.392"]
- Instead of Apache HTTP client, clj-http-lite uses HttpURLConnection
- No automatic JSON decoding for response bodies
- No cookie support
- No proxy-ing DELETEs with body
- No multipart form uploads
- No persistent connection support
- namespace rename clj-http.* -> clj-http.lite.*
The main HTTP client functionality is provided by the
(require '[clj-http.lite.client :as client])
The client supports simple get
, head
, put
, post
, and delete
requests. Responses are returned as Ring-style response maps:
(client/get "http://google.com")
=> {:status 200
:headers {"date" "Sun, 01 Aug 2010 07:03:49 GMT"
"cache-control" "private, max-age=0"
"content-type" "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
:body "<!doctype html>..."}
More example requests:
(client/get "http://site.com/resources/id")
(client/get "http://site.com/resources/3" {:accept :json})
;; Various options:
(client/post "http://site.com/api"
{:basic-auth ["user" "pass"]
:body "{\"json\": \"input\"}"
:headers {"X-Api-Version" "2"}
:content-type :json
:socket-timeout 1000
:conn-timeout 1000
:accept :json})
;; Need to contact a server with an untrusted SSL cert?
(client/get "https://alioth.debian.org" {:insecure? true})
;; If you don't want to follow-redirects automatically:
(client/get "http://site.come/redirects-somewhere" {:follow-redirects false})
;; Send form params as a urlencoded body
(client/post "http//site.com" {:form-params {:foo "bar"}})
;; Basic authentication
(client/get "http://site.com/protected" {:basic-auth ["user" "pass"]})
(client/get "http://site.com/protected" {:basic-auth "user:pass"})
;; Query parameters
(client/get "http://site.com/search" {:query-params {"q" "foo, bar"}})
The client will also follow redirects on the appropriate 30*
The client transparently accepts and decompresses the gzip
content encodings.
;; body as a byte-array
(client/post "http://site.com/resources" {:body my-byte-array})
;; body as a string
(client/post "http://site.com/resources" {:body "string"})
;; :body-encoding is optional and defaults to "UTF-8"
(client/post "http://site.com/resources"
{:body "string" :body-encoding "UTF-8"})
;; body as a file
(client/post "http://site.com/resources"
{:body (clojure.java.io/file "/tmp/foo") :body-encoding
;; :length is NOT optional for passing an InputStream in
(client/post "http://site.com/resources"
{:body (clojure.java.io/input-stream "/tmp/foo")
:length 1000})
;; The default output is a string body
(client/get "http://site.com/foo.txt")
;; Coerce as a byte-array
(client/get "http://site.com/favicon.ico" {:as :byte-array})
;; Coerce as something other than UTF-8 string
(client/get "http://site.com/string.txt" {:as "UTF-16"})
;; Try to automatically coerce the output based on the content-type
;; header (this is currently a BETA feature!)
(client/get "http://site.com/foo.bar" {:as :auto})
;; Return the body as a stream
(client/get "http://site.com/bigrequest.html" {:as :stream})
;; Note that the connection to the server will NOT be closed until the
;; stream has been read
A more general request
function is also available, which is useful
as a primitive for building higher-level interfaces:
(defn api-action [method path & [opts]]
(merge {:method method :url (str "http://site.com/" path)} opts)))
The client will throw exceptions on, well, exceptional status
codes. clj-http will throw an ex-info
with the response as ex-data
user=> (client/get "http://site.com/broken")
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at clj-http.lite.client/wrap-exceptions$fn (client.clj:38).
clj-http: status 404
user=> (-> *e ex-data :status)
user=> (-> *e ex-data keys)
(:headers :status :body)
You can also ignore exceptions and handle them yourself:
(client/get "http://site.com/broken" {:throw-exceptions false})
Or ignore an unknown host (methods return 'nil' if this is set to true and the host does not exist:
(client/get "http://aoeuntahuf89o.com" {:ignore-unknown-host? true})
A proxy can be specified by setting the Java properties:
and <scheme>.proxyPort
where <scheme>
is the client
scheme used (normally 'http' or 'https').
If you need to fake clj-http responses (for things like testing and such), check out the clj-http-fake library.
Nested form params aren't serialized correctly. There's an easy workaround however:
:form-params {"toplevel" {"nested" some-data}} ; doesn't work :form-params {"toplevel[nested]" some-data} ; works
If you issue HTTPS connections, Native Image compilation requires an additional parameter in order to enable its support in the generated image.
If you get the following kind of error:
Exception in thread "main" java.net.MalformedURLException: Accessing an URL protocol that was not enabled. The URL protocol https is supported but not enabled by default. It must be enabled by adding the -H:EnableURLProtocols=https option to the native-image command.
Then add either
option to your compilation step.
The design of clj-http
is inspired by the
Ring protocol for Clojure HTTP
server applications.
The client in clj-http.lite.core
makes HTTP requests according to a given
Ring request map and returns Ring response maps corresponding to the
resulting HTTP response. The function clj-http.lite.client/request
Ring-style middleware to layer functionality over the core HTTP
request/response implementation. Methods like clj-http.lite.client/get
are sugar over this clj-http.lite.client/request
To run the tests for the JVM:
$ lein deps
$ lein test
Run all tests (including integration):
$ lein test :all
Run tests against 1.2.1, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5
$ lein all do clean, test :all
To run the tests for babashka:
$ bb test:bb
To release a new version, run bb publish
which will push a new tag. CI will
take care of the rest.
Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php