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A lite version of clj-http that uses the jre's HttpURLConnection

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A Clojure HTTP library similar to clj-http, but more lightweight. Compatible with GraalVM.

This is a clj-commons maintained fork of the original hiredman/clj-http-lite repo.

Installation | Usage | Known Issues | Design | Development


clj-http-lite is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars:

[org.clj-commons/clj-http-lite "0.4.392"]

Differences from clj-http

  • Instead of Apache HTTP client, clj-http-lite uses HttpURLConnection
  • No automatic JSON decoding for response bodies
  • No cookie support
  • No proxy-ing DELETEs with body
  • No multipart form uploads
  • No persistent connection support
  • namespace rename clj-http.* -> clj-http.lite.*


The main HTTP client functionality is provided by the clj-http.lite.client namespace:

(require '[clj-http.lite.client :as client])

The client supports simple get, head, put, post, and delete requests. Responses are returned as Ring-style response maps:

(client/get "")
=> {:status 200
    :headers {"date" "Sun, 01 Aug 2010 07:03:49 GMT"
              "cache-control" "private, max-age=0"
              "content-type" "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
    :body "<!doctype html>..."}

More example requests:

(client/get "")

(client/get "" {:accept :json})

;; Various options:
(client/post ""
  {:basic-auth ["user" "pass"]
   :body "{\"json\": \"input\"}"
   :headers {"X-Api-Version" "2"}
   :content-type :json
   :socket-timeout 1000
   :conn-timeout 1000
   :accept :json})

;; Need to contact a server with an untrusted SSL cert?
(client/get "" {:insecure? true})

;; If you don't want to follow-redirects automatically:
(client/get "http://site.come/redirects-somewhere" {:follow-redirects false})

;; Send form params as a urlencoded body
(client/post "http//" {:form-params {:foo "bar"}})

;; Basic authentication
(client/get "" {:basic-auth ["user" "pass"]})
(client/get "" {:basic-auth "user:pass"})

;; Query parameters
(client/get "" {:query-params {"q" "foo, bar"}})

The client will also follow redirects on the appropriate 30* status codes.

The client transparently accepts and decompresses the gzip and deflate content encodings.

Input coercion

;; body as a byte-array
(client/post "" {:body my-byte-array})

;; body as a string
(client/post "" {:body "string"})

;; :body-encoding is optional and defaults to "UTF-8"
(client/post ""
             {:body "string" :body-encoding "UTF-8"})

;; body as a file
(client/post ""
             {:body ( "/tmp/foo") :body-encoding

;; :length is NOT optional for passing an InputStream in
(client/post ""
             {:body ( "/tmp/foo")
              :length 1000})

Output coercion

;; The default output is a string body
(client/get "")

;; Coerce as a byte-array
(client/get "" {:as :byte-array})

;; Coerce as something other than UTF-8 string
(client/get "" {:as "UTF-16"})

;; Try to automatically coerce the output based on the content-type
;; header (this is currently a BETA feature!)
(client/get "" {:as :auto})

;; Return the body as a stream
(client/get "" {:as :stream})
;; Note that the connection to the server will NOT be closed until the
;; stream has been read

A more general request function is also available, which is useful as a primitive for building higher-level interfaces:

(defn api-action [method path & [opts]]
    (merge {:method method :url (str "" path)} opts)))


The client will throw exceptions on, well, exceptional status codes. clj-http will throw an ex-info with the response as ex-data.

user=> (client/get "")
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at clj-http.lite.client/wrap-exceptions$fn (client.clj:38).
clj-http: status 404
user=> (-> *e ex-data :status)
user=> (-> *e ex-data keys)
(:headers :status :body)

You can also ignore exceptions and handle them yourself:

(client/get "" {:throw-exceptions false})

Or ignore an unknown host (methods return 'nil' if this is set to true and the host does not exist:

(client/get "" {:ignore-unknown-host? true})


A proxy can be specified by setting the Java properties: <scheme>.proxyHost and <scheme>.proxyPort where <scheme> is the client scheme used (normally 'http' or 'https').

Faking clj-http responses

If you need to fake clj-http responses (for things like testing and such), check out the clj-http-fake library.

Known Issues

  • Nested form params aren't serialized correctly. There's an easy workaround however:

    :form-params {"toplevel" {"nested" some-data}} ; doesn't work
    :form-params {"toplevel[nested]" some-data}    ; works
  • If you issue HTTPS connections, Native Image compilation requires an additional parameter in order to enable its support in the generated image.

    If you get the following kind of error:

    Exception in thread "main" Accessing an URL protocol that was not enabled.  
    The URL protocol https is supported but not enabled by default. It must be enabled by adding the
    -H:EnableURLProtocols=https option to the native-image command.

    Then add either -H:EnableURLProtocols=https or --enable-https option to your compilation step.


The design of clj-http is inspired by the Ring protocol for Clojure HTTP server applications.

The client in clj-http.lite.core makes HTTP requests according to a given Ring request map and returns Ring response maps corresponding to the resulting HTTP response. The function clj-http.lite.client/request uses Ring-style middleware to layer functionality over the core HTTP request/response implementation. Methods like clj-http.lite.client/get are sugar over this clj-http.lite.client/request function.



To run the tests for the JVM:

$ lein deps
$ lein test

Run all tests (including integration):
$ lein test :all

Run tests against 1.2.1, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5
$ lein all do clean, test :all

To run the tests for babashka:

$ bb test:bb


To release a new version, run bb publish which will push a new tag. CI will take care of the rest.


Released under the MIT License:


A lite version of clj-http that uses the jre's HttpURLConnection






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