Raspberry Pi Talking Fireplace
- Use AdaFruit's MAX31856 breakout board and a fire-resistant thermocouple setup.
- Follow this AdaFruit wiring guide and connect
toBoard D27
toBoard D20
- Put the thermocouple in your fireplace
- Connect a speaker to the RPI headphone jack
- Run the following in the terminal:
> git clone https://github.com/lowdrant/calcifer.git
> sudo apt install python3-pip # skip if pip3 installed
> cd calcifer
> ./install.sh # install dependencies
> sudo ./boot-setup.sh ADAFRUIT # setup calcifer to run at boot (daemon)
> sudo systemctl start calcifer.service # start daemon
> journatlctl -f -u calcifer.service # stream log output
calciHATter Pi HAT wiring is stored in the CALCIHATTER section of calcifer.ini. After dependencies are installed, you only need to configure which config section Calcifer uses.
> sudo ./boot-setup.sh CALCIHATTER
> sudo systemctl restart calcifer.service
Add .wav files to the sounds/ directory to add sounds for Calcifer. Calcifer plays a random .wav file from sounds/ when it detects a fire has started. This ensures Calcifer only plays a sound once rather than playing sounds constantly while a fire is going.
calcifer.ini can be edited to configure entire hardware pinout and some program logic. It is parsed using Python3's ConfigParser
object. After editing the config section the Calcifer daemon is using, run
> sudo systemctl restart calcifer.service
to reinitalize Calcifer with the new configuration. Since the config section isn't changing, there's no need to resetup the daemon.
To change configuration sections (e.g. from ADAFRUIT to CALCIHATTER), run
> sudo ./boot-setup.sh <your-section>
GPIO values need to be of the form board.XX
as if they are commands in a Python script because calcifer.py uses eval(<param>)
to configure GPIO objects. Look into CircuitPython for more details.
Field | Desc | Example | Notes |
spi | Amplifier SPI bus | board.SPI() | RPi SPI busses are weirdly specific |
cs | Amplifier chip select | board.D22 | Digital Output |
drdy | Amplifier data ready pin | board.D27 | Digital Input |
tc_fault | Amplifier fault pin | board.D3 | Digital Input |
tc_reset | Amplifier power switch pin | board.D26 | Digital Output |
soundswitch | Toggle sound playing | board.D2 | Digital Input; play sound if high |
hbeat | Heartbeat LED | board.D21 | Digital Output |
fault | Fault indicator LED | board.D20 | Digital Output |
Configure temperature sensor type, active/inactive temperature thresholds, and data reading frequency. thresh
and off_thresh
introduce hysterisis
Field | Desc | Example | Notes |
tctype | Thermocouple type | K | adafruit_max31856.ThermocoupleType |
thresh | threshold for fire-on state | 100 | degC float |
off_thresh | threshold for fire-off state | 50 | degC float; must be less than thresh |
T_read | sample period in fire-off state | 1 | seconds |
T_going | sample period in fire-on state | 10 | seconds |
This does not affect the user experience.
Field | Desc | Example | Notes |
host | Host for daemon stop command | | host must be RPi |
port | Port for daemon stop command | 10000 | |
loglevel | log level to stdout | DEBUG | logging library value |
drdy_count_timeout | Timeout for amp power cycle | 3 | int |
T_hbeat | Heartbeat period | 2 | seconds |
The calciHATter PCB conforms to the Raspberry Pi HAT standard. It is a bare-bones PCB that allows a Pi to interface with the MAX31856 over SPI, a sound switch for enabling/disabling Calcifer, debug LEDs, and the configuration EEPROM. Its documentation, fabrication files, and bill of materials can be found in calciHATter/. It was designed in KiCAD. I do not provide a means to program the HAT EEPROM with pinout information.
The Calcifer daemon simply calls calcifer.py with appropriate command line arguments.
boot-setup.sh provides a CLI to automatically configure calcifer.service
for SystemD.
Calcifer program logic is packaged as an object inside a CLI script to run the Calcifer mainloop in a clean, stateful way while also providing a basic testing/characterization interface for thermocouple evaluation and debugging.
The Calcifer object uses 3 threads in its mainloop
, which measures temperature and plays sound if fire goes from off to on_hbeat
, which blinks the heartbeat LED_listen
, which listens for a shutdown command onhost:port
and joins the mainllop threads on receipt of said shutdown command
Some PyGame dependencies need to be built from source (namely LibSDL2) for unknown reasons. install.sh
should handle this, but if you are still getting sound issues, run the below to install the dependencies directly.
> ./install-pygame-deps.sh
Marion Anderson - lmanderson42@gmail.com