Short description and motivation.
processor =
processor.process "diia"
=> "dia"
processor.process "domanda"
=> "domhanda"
processor.process "thacae"
=> "thaca"
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'spellchecker', github: "love-irish/spellchecker", branch: "master"
And then run this in your terminal:
$ bundle install
- Accents blow up the processor when comparing the utf-8 vs. ascii encoding. I just need to refactor this line.
- The system should address similar sounding letter combinations:
, etc. - This spellchecker relies on a large dataset to compare the words to. Our current dataset is small so getting access to a larger, scrubbed dataset would help improve the accuracy.
- Irish word corpuslib/datasets/sentences.xml - Huge thanks to Michal for his work on compiling this dataset.
- Spellchecker in python - The post that inspired me to try building this for Irish.
- Spellchecker in ruby - Someone converted the post into ruby and I cleaned it up and am rewriting it to work with accents.
- Myk Klemme - @mklemme Creator of | Lead developer for this project
- Invisible Hat Ventures - @invisiblehats A private startup development agency
- - @love-irish A lifestyle-as-a-service for the Irish language
- League of Celts - @league-of-celts A non-profit focused on promoting Celtic languages