Solutions to the 2018 Kaggle optimization competition - Santa Gift Matching Challenge
Authors: Louis Yang and Sky Huang
Methods: Monte Carlo, Min-Cost Max-Flow (MCMF), and Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP).
Max-Flow and MIP approaches require Google Ortools.
- Download and unzip OR-Tools for C++ (Visual Studio 2017)
- Create an empty C++ Visual Studio solution for one of the folder.
- Change configuration to "Release" and platform to "x64".
- In Solution Explorer, right click on the project > Properties.
- In VC++ Directories, ([or-tools] is the directory where you unpacked the or-tools archive.)
- add "[or-tools]\include" to "Include Directories".
- add "[or-tools]\lib" to "Library Directories".
- In Linker > Input, add "ortools.lib" to "Additional Dependencies".
- input - Download and upzip "gift_goodkids_v2.csv", "child_wishlist_v2.csv", and "sample_submission_random_v2.csv" to here from Kaggle.
- max_flow_mc - Monte Carlo with Min-Cost Max-Flow approach
- max_flow_merge_mc - Improved Monte Carlo with Min-Cost Max-Flow approach which merges groups
- max_flow_relax_all - Solve the complete relaxed problem as Min-Cost Max-Flow problem
- max_flow_search
- mc_swap - Original Monte Carlo swapping approach
- mip_mc - Monte Carlo selection with MIP optimization
- results - Result will be saved at here
- score - Grading function