aiosafeconsumer is a library that provides abstractions and some implementations to consume data somewhere and process it.
- Based on AsyncIO
- Type annotated
- Use logging with contextual information
- DataSource - waits for data and returns batch of records using Python generator
- DataProcessor - accepts batch of records and precess it
- DataTransformer - accepts batch of records and transform it and calls another processor to precess it. Extends DataProcessor
- Worker - abstract worker. Do a long running task
- ConsumerWorker - connects DataSource and DataProcessor. Extends Worker
- DataWriter - base abstraction to perform data synchronization. Extends DataProcessor
Current implementations:
- KafkaSource - read data from Kafka
- RedisWriter - synchronize data in Redis
- ElasticsearchWriter - synchronize data in Elasticsearch
- WorkerPool - controller to setup and run workers in parallel. Can handle worker failures and restarts workers when it fails or exits.
pip install aiosafeconsumer
Install with Kafka:
pip install aiosafeconsumer[kafka]
Install with Redis:
pip install aiosafeconsumer[redis]
Install with Elasticsearch:
pip install aiosafeconsumer[elasticsearch]
- Producer library:
- Example application:
- MongoDB writer
- PostgreSQL writer
- ClickHouse writer