LES-Utils is a set of utilities for processing and managing NetCDF data output from large eddy simulations (LES), particularly from DALES simulations.
one can :
- Merge output fielddumps
- Create all the necesary .inp files for a dales simulation
Installation Requirements
You can install the dependencies via either pip or Lmod. Option 1: Using pip
Install dependencies from requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Option 2: Using Lmod Modules
Load necessary modules with Lmod:
module load
Option 3: a mix of both:
module load 2024r1 module load miniconda3/4.12.0 conda activate base pip install -r requirements.txt
see the jupyter examples folder for use of dales_inp_generator.py
MERGE: Example Usage
Suppose you have a typical DALES output directory containing multiple NetCDF files, located here:
ls ../my_output_dir/
Example directory structure:
fielddump.000.003.001.nc fielddump.001.003.001.nc fielddump.002.003.001.nc fielddump.003.003.001.nc
fielddump.000.000.001.nc fielddump.001.000.001.nc fielddump.002.000.001.nc fielddump.003.000.001.nc ibm.inp.001
fielddump.000.001.001.nc fielddump.001.001.001.nc fielddump.002.001.001.nc fielddump.003.001.001.nc profiles.001.nc
fielddump.000.002.001.nc fielddump.001.002.001.nc fielddump.002.002.001.nc fielddump.003.002.001.nc profiles_lite.001.nc
To merge the files and include profile data, use the following command:
--profile_file ../my_output_dir/profiles_lite.001.nc
--input_dir: The directory containing DALES output NetCDF files to be merged.
--profile_file: An optional profile file to be added to the merged output make sure is profile_lite.001.nc profile does not contain all the information.
--output_file: defaults to ./completefielddump.nc
Verify merging with: ncdump -h completefielddump.nc
Expected output:
netcdf completefielddump {
time = 1480 ;
zt = 20 ;
zm = 20 ;
xt = 128 ;
xm = 128 ;
yt = 128 ;
ym = 128 ;
float time(time) ;
float zt(zt) ;
float zm(zm) ;
float xt(xt) ;
float xm(xm) ;
float yt(yt) ;
float ym(ym) ;
float u(time, zt, yt, xm) ;
float v(time, zt, ym, xt) ;
float w(time, zm, yt, xt) ;
float ekh(time, zt, yt, xt) ;
float rhof(time, zt) ;
float rhobf(time, zt) ;
float rhobh(time, zm) ;
float presh(time, zt) ;